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M13b., and the Chimera now I purposely left off lmgs, because for these maps I like to move around quick but I don't like to run lmgs, because I don't want to sit there and wait for it to reload and you just move so slowly with those weapons, so there's quite a few things that you got to think about when you talk about a long range meta The first thing we're going to talk about is the ttk, and for the range that I consider long range on Bondo and Ashika, it is between 30 and 50 meters, so starting at 30 meters, the Chimera is the best of these weapons as the average ttk weapon.

best meta loadouts warzone 2

That's just because they keep buffing the mid-range damage on it, then it goes the fr avancer, the cost off 762, the M13, and then the Tempest Razorback once you get to 40 meters to Chimera falls off pretty hard, and then you have the advancer, the M13 cost off, and then the Tempest Razorback, but it gets weird because in between 37 and 40 meters is okay, but once you get to 40 meters, the advancer falls off, and then you get the M13.

Chimera the advancer, the cost-off, and then the Tempest Razorback, and then beyond that, it pretty much falls in line and is in the same order, but there are a lot of other things to talk about when you consider a long-range meta. This is where muzzle velocity and bullet velocity play a huge impact on ammo capacity in some stage ads , time, and then recoil.

Long range meta

Long range meta

Recoil does matter when you're talking about weapons, bottles, and Chica because you're usually fighting more than one person, so you really need to hit your shots, and you really can't afford to miss a lot of bullets at number five.

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I got the Chimera, and now this build that I'm showing y'all is not the build that I had on the chart. That build that I had on the chart was a long-range build, but the muzzle velocity on the gun is so bad that it's really going to make it hard to hit shots from range. I only had it on there because, technically, the damage zone is still pretty good at long range, but if I'm going to use this gun, I'm going to use it as a medium-range gun.

I'm not going to use it for a long-range gun, so that's the only reason I got it at number five. If you want to use it as a medium-range gun, it's still one of my favorite weapons. The muzzle velocity is just not the best once you get past probably 30 to 35 meters. At number four, we do have the costoff of $762.

best weapon in warzone 2

I'm putting this at number four for a couple reasons. The main reason is that it only comes with a 45-round mag, and the second reason is that I had to put a second thread muzzle on here for recoil instead of putting a silencer that will help bullet velocity and things like that. So this gun is decent at long range, but it's really only going to be effective at medium range if you want to control recoil.

If you want more bullet velocity and you want more damage range, you're going to have to put one of the suppressors on there, but when you do that, the recoil on a gun is going to make it not worth it, especially since you only have a 40-round mag. The 40-round mag does reload pretty fast, but it's still 40 bullets rather than the 60 that you can get on most of the other guns.

Tempest razor

Tempest razor

At number three, it pains me to say this, but we're going to put the Tempest razor back now. If y'all watch any of my articles, y'all know I usually run this as an AR if I'm using a sub. This is one of my favorite ARS to use right now, but the numbers don't lie eye on the gun damage. The damage range is not as good as the other ARS, but it has zero recoil.

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This is why I like running this gun. I know I'm going to hit most of my shots that I shoot with the gun, even though the damage isn't the best. You're going to hit more of your bullets with this gun because the recoil is pretty non-existent, but like I said, the damage on this gun isn't the best, so we did have to put it at number.



At number two, we got the m13b. Now that I know it says that the m13b has the best average ttk, from 40 meters plus, it does a lot of damage. It has good bullet velocity, but for some reason, using this gun just makes you feel like you're shooting BBs at people. The fire rate on it is good, and overall, on paper, it's a really good gun, but sometimes when you're in the game, it doesn't feel like that.

I don't really have a lot of bad things to say about this gun. The ads are pretty quick; it reloads pretty quick. I did make a article of it. I do like using it, but sometimes I feel like I should be killing people faster than I am with this gun.

Fr ar

Fr ar

At , number one, we got the FR Advancer. I do believe that this is the best AR you can use right now for Vondo and Ashika. It does have a little bit more recoil than the Tempest Razorback, but it also hits; it's a little bit harder, and I know that on paper the M13 says that it's better, but this gun definitely feels better in game as far as how fast it's killing people, and that could be because the fire rate on this gun is a little bit faster than the M13.


I'll be testing this gun out over the weekend and dropping a article on it on Monday for y'all, just so I can really see if it's the best. I hope y'all enjoyed the meta. Loadout article: Like I said, this is my opinion on which guns are best to use right now in Bondo and Ashika. I appreciate y'all being here.

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If y'all made it this far, please drop a sub to the channel. It'd be greatly appreciated. I'll catch y'all in the next one. Much love and peace. Thank you


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