News - New "pro Player" Vaznev-9k Class Setup Warzone 2. Best Class Setup - Warzone 2

best mw2 vaznev 9k class

Modern worker CDL competitive matches start tomorrow, and the CDL Mosh Pit just went live in Modern Warfare 2 as well, so I definitely wanted to bring you guys a couple of good class setups that the pro players are using for the SMGs and ARs, and I really wanted to focus on the Vasnav for today's article because that is my favorite gun.

I'm going to be showing you Pro Player class setups. CDL Mosh Pit class setups that you can try out and also class setups that you could just use in public matches that resemble the CDL class setups as well; definitely stick around for all that because there's a lot of information that you need to know if you are a fan of competitive Cod, but for now, let's hop into our first CDL mosh pit game and see what happens with this class setup, and after I'm done frying a bunch of casuals inside of the CDL mashpit.

I will show you the class setups afterwards. What are these rounds where the CDL moans but we still get bot lobbying? We've got someone standing there doing nothing. We got an AFK guy. The first guy just ran right at me. He didn't shoot me. What are these lobbying efforts right now? At least it's four versus four now, but, come on, all right, we're going to try to get aggressive here and just try to hit around the side.

best vaznev 9k class

It's kind of risky to do that, though. We need an actual ranked system so that we can play against good players that don't leave. I mean. I have streaks, but I really don't see a reason to use them because rounds are just inching along quickly as hell, so I'm just going to lay here for like 10 seconds and then call my streaks, and if no one comes this way, it could actually be around the back too, so let me just check that before probably next weekend.

Hey, let's just say there's one person left; it doesn't even matter. I'm just sitting here. He almost killed me, but still, he's just sitting there. I still have my streaks. I didn't even call him in because that other team died so quickly, and honestly, I'm not entirely sure this map is actually for S D.

best vaznev 9k class mw2

I mean. I know they play hardpoint on it and maybe control, but. I mean, we haven't seen many SMD streams, but I don't think this is supposed to be an SMD map, and I mean. I can see why I can't even call my streaks in for 10 seconds off the rip, but the other team there, it's four versus two. I can't understand it; it makes no sense.

I can't even call my streaks in before the other team's dead; they're dead; it's over and my team's there anyway, so I'm not even going to get a kill with my streak; it's not going to happen. All right, well, I got him at 5-0; I'm 9-0 right now. What is this lobby? It's two versus four. Can I even show this gameplay?

I mean, we're playing against people who are trash; they're not playing at all, and one of them is AFK. I think at least someone joined. Why would they put someone in the game when it's the fifth round and it's 5-0? They put someone new in the lobby with us. He's going to get into one gunfight and die instantly.

Let's just put the screws in. I'm definitely in a spot where I can die right here, but I don't even care. Just give me the cruise, man. 2 and a, why are you running out into the cruise ship? Man, these lobbies, and there was someone over here, so I gotta be a little careful. My teammate got him.

best vaznev 9k class setup mw2

This guy's over at Hey, he's just sitting over here. My team did not check the bomb. What is it that you do—plant the bomb and run away? My God, this is incredible. This is a game right here. I'm telling you, this is a game we got ninja defuses we have ninja defuses, bosses on the other team, people spawning in and killing themselves, leaving the game, and getting kills with their crews because someone runs in front of it.

This is definitely a competitive environment right here, that's for sure. We need a ranking system; that's what we need—a ranking system. All right, well, that's the game; it's 12.0 and some kills with their streaks. I got some kills on some bots. I don't even know what else to say. I'm trying to come up with some clever joke to say, but I can't because this was just an absolute show.

best vaznev 9k loadout

I'm still using it, though, because I think it's funny that CBL just came out with CDL Matchbox. I mean, 12-0 is enough kills, right? It's a small-map short game of six to one. I'll use it; that's fine. Really quickly, before we get into this build, there are a couple of things that you have to know about this class setup.

Check up on those GA restrictions. Because there is a chance that one of these attachments, in the future, gets G8, and then there's a whole different class that I've made. I just wanted to mention that really quickly just to avoid any confusion, but with that being said, let's go ahead and get straight into the attachments.

Of course, when you earn a CDL team, as an SMG player, you do want to be playing at a pretty fast pace, so we are going to be using a True Tech group for our first attachment; it's going to give us a boost to our sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed. A lot of these attachments are going to be very straightforward, and as I just mentioned, you need a bunch of mobility on your SMG builds, especially in the CDL, if you are going to be utilizing them.

best vaznev 9k loadout mw2

Your playstyle, when used properly, and the True Tech grip are the only attachments here that can offer that mobility boost, and it is one of the biggest boosts that you can get from any attachment. The rear grips on this game do a really good job at impacting. Your gun bites, so make sure to throw on the True Tech grip, and then we will move on to our next attachment.

The stock is a pretty interesting attachment here because we do have multiple attachments that do increase our mobility, and that's what you want to be focusing on with the stock and the rear grip together. Both of these attachments are mobility-based attachments, so the pros have decided to go with the options in the stock, which give you a boost to your aim locking speed and sprint speed.

modern warfare 2

You do have the VLK stock list, which gives you a huge boost to your mobility and handling, but you lose a ton of recoil control, which is why the pros decided. Not to mention that you also have the Mark Eve R7 stock, which gives another boost to your mobility, but the mobility boost that you get with this attachment is not as impactful as the Optizet stock, so we're going to go ahead and stick with this since most pro players use this attachment.

The T90 comp is going to be our muzzle, and this is where things get a little bit confusing because there are quite a few muzzles that get used, but a lot of people do use the T90 comp. The main reason for that is because you get a boost to your horizontal recoil control and vertical recoil control, of course, with the muzzle.

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