News - New" Crazy Warzone 2 Teleport Glitch. On Top Of Buildings Or Out Of Map. Warzone 2 Glitches "after Patch

cod glitch

I'll be showing you a brand new teleportation glitch, but this only works in private matches. Make sure you have the spawn camera turned on. Select any map that you want besides shipment, since this glitch does not work on that map. Once in the game, find someplace that you want to teleport to, and I will teleport to the top of the apartment roof, so select a different team and select spectator, then fly the camera to the top of the roof.

Now select your loadout, and you will have to be super fast with this next part for the glitch to work. Pressing square or X on the controller will make you respawn, so press square, then quickly go to change teams and spam the X or A button, and if you have done it fast enough, you will respawn on top of the roof.

The timing can be a little bit tricky since you have to be very fast at changing classes, but with a bit of practice, you'll be able to teleport wherever you want. Sometimes you may appear with a weapon, and other times you won't have one equipped. You may also become stuck in one spot and need to leave the match to become unstuck; you may also follow the map if the ground is not solid.

dmz glitch

Make sure to watch out for the death barrier. Some maps will have bigger areas to explore than others, and it's really neat to be able to walk around on top of places that you're not meant to be, so once you have flown to the spot you want to teleport to change classes and select your loadout, then press square and quickly select change class, and then spam the X button to respawn at that location.

If your spectator camera can fly through the object, it means it's not solid, so you won't be able to walk on top of it. Objects such as umbrellas or even fences can be solid even if the ground isn't. Have fun trying to reach different areas in the game. Continue watching the rest of the article to see some of the other spots you can reach using this glitch.

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