News - Is This The New Rpk Meta For Warzone 2

I think this guy's reasonable too much with a very similar loadout, and I think that's a big reason why people love the rpk: because it's just themes because this is the kind of distance that you want to be at when you're trying to use an LMG. This guy's got a great combo though, with, like, the SMG/LMG combo for Warzone, the close range and the long range.

taking care of me and the guy in the corner, no matter how many button presses you do, the corner camper will always succeed in Warzone. Obviously, you can see the corner campers also using the RV park, but in a much more advantageous way than just utilizing a corner. There are eight players left to see if Mobb High is not too high to where he can shoot straight and, you know, stick with the circle here.

sally is a dog

There's something like right above him, though there he is. They say don't fear the circle. You know it's okay. You can take a little circle damage; it's fine. He's got a three-play that he can pick up as well. But he's getting popped. Make it quick. You're not making it quickly. I, too, am very concerned about vomit mobbing here, right.

God the helicopter has got the height advantage as well; he's got a sniper or at least some kind of long range, and another guy's got the high ground. Yeah, not much in the way of hope on that one. It's a really unfortunate circle for people who just weren't at the Observatory. Four players are left.

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Who's going to come out on top? El Chapo, even though he's getting shot, the guy falls back; he only has two plates; he doesn't have a vest. Surprisingly, in this lane of the game, there are six kills. He must have had a gulag respawn or something. Holy crap, ZB's, where are you? You're just being the most low-key Warzone player of all time right there; this is not looking good for him.

warzone 2

Circle's moving up the mountain, and there's a guy up there right now. I believe in Zebi's man, and he's got a white rifle, you know? I mean, the shot is going to be just as clean. He's toughened them both up, and one of them could do some dirty work on the other; they're right next to each other.

I wouldn't go up that; I would not go up that lift; I would not test that. I was like, "Here they come; hey, actually good job not shooting that guy." Z is not pulling it off, phoebees zebs or zebies how you pronounce your name, man, you're the two white rpks, the two white weapons, the rpk. He's got the high ground; he's stunning him; he's going in; he took some full damage, but he got so dumb, okay.

The people in this lobby can take some damage, but not as much as with that exact loadout that was given by a loadout warzone. Twitter I don't know if I fully agree with it. I mean. I'll catch you on the next

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