News - I Can See The Dark With This. Best Warzone Visibility/filters

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What up YouTube art is here again with another Call of Duty article, and in today's article we are tackling the dark corners and deep shadows of War Zone, whether it be in the goog, in the attics of Vondal, or in the caves of Ashika. I am here with a new set of filters for my filter factory system to see into the future.

If you're new to filters or the filter factory, let me give you a little rundown. These filters are Luts, or lookup tables, which are commonly used in the film industry to affect the image coming out of a camera. Now what I've done is taken these and applied them to the article game, so I've gone into the map.

I've recorded some footage of some of the darkest areas, and I've taken them into my film color correction software, where I've applied certain color hues and saturation boosts to make the image more pleasing. Not only that, but I've targeted the dark areas, and I've lifted those up a bunch. In the trailer section of this article, you did see four of the five filters that are available in today's download.

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I just made the fifth one very last minute per a Twitter request, and I threw it in as a bonus. The first filter in the set is called neutral shadow. Now, this is like the neutral MW3 filter; it serves to add a little important color contrast like blues and oranges in certain areas and also just lifts the overall saturation without making any of the oranges or the reds look too oversaturated.

The next filter in today's filter pack is called Ruby Shadow Seer. As the name suggests, this is a warm, reddish filter. It also has shadow-lift properties, but this looks kind of like a Wes Anderson movie. It's very stylized. Some people will love it, and some people will hate it. That's the best part about this filter set.

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There's one for everybody in here. The following filter is Emerald: This is the polar opposite of Ruby; this gives the image a greenish tone, kind of in that Transformers color palette with the greens and the oranges. Then there is superat, and as the name would suggest, this just takes the saturation and cranks it to 11 while also making the image a little bit more bluish purple to counteract some of the weird yellows and oranges that you see on the map.


Like all the rest of the filters in today's set, this also has the shadow sear properties attached to it, which and this one for some reason, really lets you see the details in the shadows. I think it's because it adds so much saturation back to the shadows that when you see a player model, it really pops this last filter in the set, which was actually a Twitter suggestion to leave out all blacks.

They had asked, Hey, can you just make a filter that lifts the shadows and doesn't apply any color change? So this is going to be great for those Radeon users that maybe don't have all the control and Nvidia control panel or for somebody that just wants to try my kind of precision Shadow lift. Since this filter has no color shift whatsoever, it is called Shadow.

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You have the filters now. How do you apply them? If you're a gamer and you don't create content or stream, it's really simple. Lut is the application that will be used to apply the filters to your monitor. Now there are two versions of the application; technically, I've only linked one. This is the Lur X one, which you can see here from the description; it says it's a fork of the original one made by Logge, which works on Windows 11.

If it works on Windows 11, it should work on most new versions of Windows 10, so everybody should start with this release. Now don't do that unless you're having problems, so start with the latest one. You'll click Download Latest Release, and it will prompt you to download it. You can download and save it as a zip file.

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Make sure you don't just run things out of the zip file. You have to actually extract everything out of the zip file. I've taken that releases folder, I've renamed it Filter Factory, and as you can see, I put it on my desktop. Inside that folder, I made a new folder called Release Filters. This is where I put all the filters that I'm going to use inside of the application, and you can see them in this top window.

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I've extracted the Artis War MW3 Shadow Seer filters to a different directory. All I'm going to do is right-click, copy, go to release filters, right-click, and paste, and I'll add this to the collection of filters depending on when you found my articles. You may have some of these, or you may haven't.

You can go back to the channel by searching for filters on my articles. You can find all of those there. Once you've pasted the filters into the application, it's super simple to run. You double-click it, and it will run on your screen. You want to select the monitor that is in the 0 position. This is going to be your main monitor, as you can see here.

0 I already have a filter loaded, but typically what you do is click browse and go to where your filters are stored. And you can click a filter from the list, select it, hit open, and then all you have to do is click Apply here, and you should see your monitor change. If you get an error here, when you do it, like I said, go back and try the original DWML version of the application made by Le Doge and see if that doesn't give you the error, but it should be really, really straightforward.


I'll help you get this application working if you need it. It should be pretty straightforward, though I don't foresee a lot of people having troubles with it if you minimize the application and you've had it pinned to the taskbar. If you click open, it'll say it's already running well. Where did it go by default, it will run in the corner here in the tray, and you can right-click and click disable, which will turn off the filter.

You can right-click and click apply. You can't see the filter changing because I use a special way of getting my game PC to my stream PC to record, but I trust it is changing my monitor. It's as simple as right-clicking apply and right-clicking disable. Once you do have the application open, a nice thing to do is right-click the icon and pin it to the taskbar.

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That way, you don't have to go digging for the application later. Once you have a filter loaded and you have one that you like, it's as easy as clicking disable or apply, and it will turn it on and off, and then you can minimize it once it's applied and launch your game. I try to give you all as much quality information as I possibly can, so a quick note about performance: now some systems will see a small performance hit for using these filters.

It really comes down to how balanced your CPU and GPU pairings are. For example, my old rig, which is a 5800 X 3D and a 6900 XT, saw no performance hit whatsoever. Input lag felt great, and my frames were about the same on my current rig, which is a 13900, k, and a 4090, the same. That's because both of these machines had very well-matched CPUs and GPUs.

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A refresh to my filter set from MWII Warzone and more to come once the Urzikstan map drops on the 6th.
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