News - How To Win Warzone 2. 0. Quick Tips


Here we go, six to 109 up. Look at my left, looking straight; nothing to prove that guy right here; he's down; here we go; somebody else randomly right I'm going to make sure I take cover and check that door here. I hear a mine down there; look at that; good thing I didn't go down there; yeah, I'm going to shoot this out right now.

There could be more here right now, so I'm just going to try to grab some stuff real quick and then head out. Here we go, 9-180 up. Chad This might be a little 30-piece step-by-step baby, but right now it's on my compass straight ahead, so I know they're toward the buy, and that's exactly where I want to go, as well as explosions all right, so let's get up in there.

We've got a ladder somewhere to get up the explosion to my right. Yeah, I'll start dropping in as well. There are at least three or four guys around me—or I won't say three or four, but two or three right. I know there's one up ahead, but he was fighting somebody, and there was an explosion to my right, so I assume that's two guys fighting right, so that's four, so yeah, three or four are at the bar right now.


There was one guy on the balcony, and I just saw another guy up there too, GG's man. 10 next time, I'm going to grab my gun. See, this is where I can learn from my mistake. I wouldn't necessarily call that a mistake because I knew that I might get shot. It was just a dumb decision by me, all right.

I should have just bought a gun, fallen back, taken a look take a look right and you got it too. If you never buy two guns, especially if it's a buy like that where it's in the open, there's a lot around you, right, and you know for sure there's a lot around you, absolutely positive, here we go. Chat table: 65 and up, man, this might be a little 25-piece Hop on the ledge right here, cook a name, right side or opposite side staircase, it doesn't matter which one, then pick up another name.

He's dead make sure everybody's up top, right. Another coach is out. Let's go to 12, which is 62. Come on, baby, step by step chat. I'm trying to teach you guys, and I'm trying to help you all. Cheval stations you see this one right here; this is in our city. There's also another gas station here and there, on the bottom side of Mauser City.


These are good places to land because they give you a lot of cash. I'll show you guys in a sec. We may get a lot of cash for the door real quick, all right. It's closed; the door's closed. Look at this. It's unloaded, or it's half looted. Look at it. Eight thousand dollars is almost enough for two of my loaded guns, okay?

Another quick tip directly from the gas station over here, all right? Cash states or cash registers Write us out of here as well, okay? a lot of loot as well? Well, you're going to find some extra guns here, man, for sure 100. And last but not least, Luke is in the last room, and look how much cash we came out with in total.

We started at zero dollars, guys, and now we have fifteen thousand dollars, and I haven't even been on the ground for a minute and a half, less than a minute and a half, and I have 15K, guys. Okay, gas stations and places near gas stations have a lot of loot for you guys, man. Put that there just in case he runs up the stairs.

high kills

nice little placement. Right now, my cup is Straight Ahead High Ground, and the guy that was shooting is probably in that building over there. As I'm going up the zip. I'm watching my back, and there's a guy there, so we're going to hop up on the left side ledge and then come back, and then I'm going to take Hagar while he's plating up, and I'm going to try to fly on him.

See what I mean? Always take Higher Ground once you hit somebody, but somebody could be up close on me, so we're going to pay attention. And, since he's dead now, we're going to check our shirts. See, I checked my top immediately. I don't go for the loot. I don't see that look at all because I checked my top roof after I fought somebody.

You see what I mean? Always check your tops. Here we go, a quick tip: every time you drop ammunition, open your menu, go down to your gun, and it says "drop ammunition." Drop it single by single, drop your ammunition out, grab the ammunition, and then pick your ammunition back up. You see how I don't have this spot filled?

how to be good at warzone

Watch where that ammunition goes. It's extra-reserve ammo. I'm going to take the far zip, or he could have flown off right, but ultimately I want to get up there right, it's just the best thing to do okay. Foreign, there, you have it instead of going up that zip, which is the least risky. We went up the opposite zip and ended up finding him with red dots on my cup straight ahead, which was across small size, so after I loot this guy I'm going to peek it.

See if he's over there; let's see if he's below. I don't see him, but I know he's here for sure. Okay, so we're just going to kind of chill up here. The circle is rotating in, as you see, so we're going to hold them there, but eventually he's either going to fly off from the top. If he's up there, he's going to run out here and try to fly off here, and I'm just going to chase him, okay?


The circle pole is far away, so we're going to get it rotating. I may go here; it depends, but I think the ultimate play is here right now. I could fight and get kills, but if you want to go for the win, the best thing to do is try to get to Circle. Okay, I just spotted somebody, all because I use that view.

Okay, so here we go. He's on this building right here. And I ended up killing him because he got smoked out, so I know somebody else is over there, right? I checked my ammo, and I checked behind me real quick because it's just smart to do because as people are hearing shots, they're going to push you from different angles, and I still have to cross eventually, so I have to keep that in mind, okay?

So right now we're just going to, look, here goes another guy here, so instead of waiting for this guy that could be on the next building. I'm going to hop down and check my back as I'm pushing this guy over here. Now, I've got the two taps. Timmy guys, for the loadout, join my Discord, man. I'm live every single day on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch.


Come type in the chat box, and you will succeed. You will find the loadout, or you can join my Discord, or go anywhere, guys, and find the EBR class. You will find it if you look for it. Here's that other guy that was on the other building that I called earlier; boom, three shots, six shots, he's dead down dead quick.

Okay, we're checking our surroundings before we lock up. Okay, we're fully loaded, man. I have no vehicles to rotate, so we're going to have to just run. We're going to stay near cover like trees and rocks. Guys, a little quick tip: always try to stay near trees if you're running across open fields.

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