News - How To Get Easy Bot Lobbies Warzone. Warzone 3 Sbmm Explained

If you're wanting to play solo or even if you're just wanting to play with a friend but you want to try and get yourself some easier lobbies, there's a couple of options you can do. First of all, you want to go in and find a party, and you can either browse parties or find parties, but if you actually look further down, there are a few different search preferences.

how to get bot lobbies mw3

You guys can do it now; obviously, it doesn't matter in regards to communication. Preference: always leave that on no preference, and then main language, whatever language you're speaking. Obviously, it would automatically be in there for whatever country you are from and whatever language you've set the game up as, so that will automatically be whichever comes to mind's English, and then primary play style.

You want to make sure that is casual, and then you also want to put slow and steady. Now, basically, this will find lightened players like yourself and usual people that are looking for casual games, and slow and steady drops are usually your weaker players, your players that are not as good at the game now.

how to get easy lobbies in

When you search for this, you will find players that are like very low levels. Like level 10, level 50, and level 100, but the minute because everybody's pretty much level 1 to 250, no one's really reached 250 at the moment as far as I'm aware, unless anything's changed over the last like a few hours since me recording this article, basically you are going to see yourself finding some very low-ranking players, and you'll find that this will work a lot stronger as the skill-based matchmaking starts picking up as well.

You'll find that this party find will be a lot stronger, so you definitely want to take full advantage of them all the way throughout the war zone. I can't see this changing at all; it's not something that can really change in all fairness, so you will help find yourself some easier lobbies by doing this.

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Obviously, these are a few of the methods I mentioned, but I would highly recommend doing this. I feel that this is the best method at the moment, and I've been using it for some time, pretty much since it basically came in. Sometimes you want to play around with the style; sometimes no preference does really well, but it is personal preference on which you want to put them on.

I would highly recommend going casual and slow and steady, and you will find yourself in some of those easier lobbies and getting yourself lots of wins. Make sure you smash a like, subscribe if you're new, and let's try and hit 14k.

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