News - Fastest & Easiest Way To Beat All Boss Fights Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Haunting Event Boss Guide

There's going to be ones with red eyes that you're going to want to eliminate; those are going to drop red skulls, and you're going to need to collect around 10 of them, so if you collect like five and your teammate collects like five, you should be good to go head on over into the zombie tomb. You're going to want to place these into the tomb, and that will summon the Pharaoh.

modern warfare 2 zombies

Once the Pharaoh is summoned, he's going to do something like a little animation, and while he's doing that animation, it's the best time for you to shoot at him because he has a lot of health, and I would recommend that you keep your distance from him. He's going to try and chase you; he doesn't have a weapon, and he's going to try to attack you.

He also has the capability of doing a finisher on you, which can instantly eliminate you, so I would recommend that you keep your distance and avoid that finisher. And as you just shoot him and you empty bullets on him, there are going to be other zombies that spawn, but you just want to focus on him and eliminate him as fast as possible, and once you do, you are pretty much good to go, and you have completed that.

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I definitely recommend you put on things like thermites, shock sticks, or anything else that could deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time because he's going to just run at you continuously, and you're going to want to try and slow him down, shoot at him, and eliminate him. The next boss that we have is going to be the ghost train once again.

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DMZ is recommended; go in with a full squad. If you have the opportunity to get self-revive kits, I highly recommend that you get those as well as put on doses. Now, mainly for the reason that these doses are going to help you disable a lot of the traps that are going to be in this place, if you want to enter the ghost train, you're going to need to go in from the back because it's sort of built like a haunted house, and once you get to that back area, there's going to be some loot boxes.

I would recommend you loot those; some of these do have self-revive kits, and you're going to need to use them. Also, I would recommend that you don't go in together; spread out a little bit because there's going to be claymores. There's going to be proximity mines, sentry guns, and booby traps. Anything that could eliminate you instantly is going to be there.

mw2 haunting event

I've gotten knocked like six different times just trying to get into the entrance, so I would spread out so that way the same Claymore doesn't kill all three of you, and then that would cause an issue, so once someone goes in, have them activate the do-do. It will destroy a whole lot of traps, but it won't destroy all of them.

As you keep making your way in, have the second person use the Dos as well, and then as you go in a little further, have the third person use ads. As well, if you just try to run it in there, you will definitely get eliminated. That's what we ended up trying to do, and that's where the self-revive kits came in.

operation nightmare

You would respawn using the self-revive. Kit, sometimes there's going to be boxes so as you progress there will be loot boxes, and you can open those and try to get even more self- revives and then just continuously, go in like that once you finally make it through there's going to be a room, with a vault you're going to want to open up the Vault once you do the Lilith statue will offer up some sort of a heart for the train and you're going to want to pick up that heart and once you do it's going to complete the mission for you a portal will open this portal is not going to really take you anywhere, it's just going to send you up straight in the sky so that way you can get out of there before other players come in and try to eliminate you last boss we have is going to be the Butcher and to prepare you will definitely need a bunch of munition boxes you'll need decent long range weapons and then you will also need some sort of a Dos, upgrade or something that could eliminate a bunch of zombies at the same time also explosiv.

Stuns—those are really helpful as well. Now he's going to be available at an alter, and this alter has different spawns every single time. You're going to want to look for that Lilith icon. Once you find that icon on the map, you're going to want to head over there, and you're going to want to activate the ritual.

swamp monster boss fight

There's going to be a total of five rituals. Each one that you activate will sort of make like a line, and all these lines are going to connect into like a star, and after every single time you activate one, some zombies are going to spawn. You're going to need to eliminate all these zombies, and once you do eliminate all of them, a portal is going to end up appearing, and then you're going to want to go into the portal.

Make sure you fully reload and you're ready before you hit that portal, but once you hit the portal, you're going to be spawned into another dimension, and the butcher is going to be available for you to fight. He's going to have a big health bar that's going to appear at the top of the screen. You're going to want to shoot at him.

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Focus on him. There's going to be a whole lot of zombies that will keep respawning. Every single time, honestly, you're going to end up wasting a lot of ammo just shooting at those, so I would focus more on Butcher, and once you complete him, it'll say the bitcher has been killed, the challenge has been completed, and this is pretty much how to defeat every single Le boss in the game.

swamp monster mw2

A lot of these might end up being a little bit more difficult than they should be because other players might come in and ruin it anyway. That's all that I got for you guys in this one. But it's been your boy, CH, and hopefully I'll be seeing you guys back again.

FASTEST EASIEST WAY TO BEAT ALL BOSS FIGHTS in MW2! Modern Warfare 2 Haunting Event Boss Guide.
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