News - Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 Zombies - All Acts Cutscenes. Ending (2024)

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I'm the one who called you; remember, I'm not the one that needs convincing. Keep walking; welcome to Operation Deadbolt, which the boss would like a word with. You, the company, helped me to continue my research on energy production from n-dimensional interactions; it was purely theoretical right up until then.

Wasn't it as for Zakay, I had no idea I was working for a terrorist. You're lying; I thought he was the CEO. I'm a physicist, not a mind reader, and I wouldn't have had to work for him or anyone if you hadn't shut me down. Now Zakay is still out there with even more weapons and great ethereum, but I happen to know he keeps it on his person at all times.

Why would I tell you that if I didn't want him to stop? Look, I know this element down to its protons. I'm fairly certain I can find a way to neutralize it. I'm fairly certain I can find a way to neutralize it. I'm fairly certain I can. Right, restrictions are going great; they are going to make a killing selling this ethereum.

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When I've reached enough to make more of these, you can do as you please with the rest, and what about our runner? She's played her part. Find her and kill her. As you can see, the test was a success. The Ean neutralizer destabilizes the ethereum within its blast radius. What remains of the element rapidly decays into harmless isotopes, but that was raw, unprocessed ethereum.

The material in Zak's vile is highly enriched, and my projections show this weapons-grade ethereum can withstand our prototype; in other words, you failed. This was a waste of time and resources. Not true the principle has been proven. We just need to amplify the neutralizer and re-calibrate its output, and you can do that.

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You are not quite done, but Zakay obtained research written by the expert on ethereum enrichment. stra old mayor, your friends are a luxury, and I can sell them. Zakai has stored Strauss's research in a vault; it'll be heavily guarded, but that research holds the key to upgrading the neutralizer.

We don't have time for this; our focus should be on Zakay himself, and if we find him, then what he unleashes is his remaining vile, and we have nothing to counter. A dead bolt might be able to hammer this thing hard enough to contain him, but if the objective is to end it, that neutralizes our best.

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Take him to the brick green to get the interrogation. Start a nice sign of Zak; he may be blooded, but he's still breathing next time he sticks his head up. I'll take it off. What about the neutralizer? What's the C? Give me some good news. Negative: good initial clarity on detonation, but dark ether contacts are repopulating and also picking up an energy spike in the Red Zone.

I have never seen anything like it. Well, it looks like this. show just keeps getting better and better. Everyone RTP looks like this off isn't going to be over anytime soon. Bang gra enough, ready for ebook solid copy. Standby ETA 2. Johson This is Renov. The STRI team has returned from the rift.

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Renov AA made contact with some kind of entity. They are coming for a debrief report with Ops. They met an entity inside the rift. Here, you've got some explaining to do. You're hurt i have had worse. I don't doubt it, or I wouldn't have to if your file wasn't a black hole. My file how did you break the locks on a few cult-case CIA files from a CIA terminal?

Not exactly a challenge. You're making a mess of that. Here you are, IIM. Yes, what happened to them? Maxis sacrificed herself to end the outbreak, and we promised we would find a way to rescue her. When we failed, it was a blow. Some of us took it very hard, and we vowed never to let this happen again, so you're zero for two on those promises.

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Well, I am still here. Am I not Dr. Johnsen i am still fighting, and here's the thing you shouldn't be doing that was done 30 years ago. Look at you. I have good genes. That's a Croc, and you know what was the focus of Ream's ethereum research. Dr johnson, AA Perhaps when the outbreak is contained, we will talk of the old days.

Fine, if that's how you want to play, but if you won't help me, I'll find my

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