News - Best Field Of View (fov) Settings For Warzone 2



Field of view, or fov, has been one of the most controversial settings in Warzone because previously console players did not have access to it, but now with Warzone 2, both console and PC players do have access to an fov slider.


Not actually, but let me explain why first. I want to break down a few myths about higher FOVs and what they do for your game.

One, a wider FOV does not make you run any faster. It's basically just an optical illusion. You'll see here that we've got both 80 FOV (the default) and 120 FOV, and we are running the same distance. You're going to see they get to the point at the same time; it just looks faster on the 120-MB version.

The same illusion also applies to throwing items. When I'm throwing the C4 on 80 FOV, it looks like it goes hardly anywhere, but on 120 It looks like it goes much farther, but in reality they go the exact same distance, so what is the benefit of a wider field of view?.

Wider fov

There are two main benefits, but these also have drawbacks.

affected fov

The first and most obvious is that with a wider FOV, or field of view, you can see more information and enemies that are on the far edge of your screen that you otherwise wouldn't see if you were on a smaller default FOV of 80. And this helps a lot in close-quarter situations. If you were a console player in Warzone 1, you may be familiar with the number of times your camera broke.

This just means a player flew by your screen, and you have to completely turn to see them now on your screen with a wider FOV. This is less likely to happen because that player is more likely to be somewhere on your screen and easier for you to find and adjust. The second benefit is reduced visual recoil, and with a wider fob, the visual recoil or the amount of screen shake or reticle shake is much less compared to a default 80-mm fob.

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The actual recoil itself, though, does not change. It's just because your gun is kind of farther away from the screen or it takes up less space on the screen. shakes the screen less, so for example, if I shake my hand here right in front of the camera versus if I shake it the same back here, it looks like I'm shaking my hand less simply because it's farther away, and because of this concept, it does make it easy for you to visually track your opponent when shooting, but this comes with a huge penalty or drawback in that when you go to a wider FOV, your targets now appear much smaller, especially at range, and when a target used to take up maybe a tenth of your screen now, it's only a little speck on your TV or monitor, and it's a lot harder for you to get your crosshairs lined up right on that target.

Independent vs effective

Independent vs effective

Al Mazara is a huge map, so 120 might not necessarily be the best setting, but this is where the independent versus effective setting does come into play now that the majority of top players or streamers are usually playing on 120. affected FOV, and what this means is that when you aim your gun, your FOV doesn't really change much if you look at the sides of the screens.

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You're not going to see a big change in the zoom level, especially when you're choosing like iron sights or red dots, but if you play on Independent, you're going to see that when you aim your gun, it zooms in a lot, and basically what it's doing is going back to that 80 FOV when you aim down sights, so because of this, your targets will appear much larger when you're aiming, but you don't get the benefit of that decreased visual recoil, so if you're someone who is constantly saying, Man.

affected vs independent warzone

I cannot see people when I shoot Independent, might be a much better setting for you over Effective, but maybe there's a middle ground instead of playing 120 Independent, where you have a wide field of view when it's tight and a tighter when it's I think for most players going from console to now having a fob slider, you're probably going to be better off going somewhere in the middle and doing something like 90, affected, and then as you get more used to it, if you like this feeling of a little bit wider fov, you increase it slightly after a few days to 95, then 100, etc., and you keep going until you either reach 120, or until you get to the point where you're like, You know what I think.

I'm happy where I am at, let's say, 105, 110, etc. I'm staying here; I'm not going to go wider; I don't need to see anything more than this, and personally. I don't think 120, affected, is necessarily going to be the meta of war zone 2. I think personally that we're actually going to see a shift towards a little bit lower FOV somewhere in that 110–115 range now. I am still on level 120 in Affected, but I've been playing on this since day one, so I'm used to it now.

Weapon field of view

Weapon field of view

There is one extra setting this year when it comes to fov compared to Wars on One, and that is the weapon field of view, and it goes from the narrow default to wide.


This is again kind of like making your FOV even wider in Ascent, but more just for that visual recall of your opponent.

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Wide is going to push your gun farther away from you and have your optic even smaller. is going to bring it in and closer, so again, this might be another kind of Middle Ground here where maybe you do play 120 affected but you play on narrow to have a little bit larger optic and a slightly larger target, but again, remember that.

I hope you found the article helpful.

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