News - Another Nerf. Is The Lockwood 300 Still Overpowered And Meta. Warzone



Welcome back to another article covering the Lockwood 300 dual trigger; it was in fact nerfed yet again by Raven software just a day ago. I believe, and I spent most of the day testing, trying to work without plunder, which was just an absolute pain in my buttocks, so I finally got some good numbers for you guys to check out, and I'm going to go over what changed, how it fares now, and give my overall thoughts on it and if it needs another nerf or not, so if that sounds good to you, let's go ahead and hop right into it.

Patch notes/changes

If you take a look at what changed, It looks like they basically adjusted all the ammo types when you're using them with the dual trigger. Now I did test dragon's breath without the dual trigger, which seems to be pretty much unchanged, so the base gun itself hasn't really been touched; it's just these ammo types with this particular trigger.

So the first one we'll talk about is just the base 12-gauge shell, which is sort of the standard way to run this thing. So the big question, which I'm sure everyone is dying to know, is: does this gun still do one shot? And yes i can confirm it still does one shot, whether it's dragon's breath, the base ammo, or slugs.

New one shot ranges

New one shot ranges

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It will in fact one shot kill there is some potential for all three ammo types so now I'm going to go over each of the ranges for all of them for the base gun, one shot kill range if you were fully aiming down sights, it used to be after the first NERF around that 5 m Mark, now it's sitting at around 3 and 1/2 M, now I do want to point out this might be a few tents of a meter off I basically went into battle royale solos with a dummy account had to find the same game if I killed myself I'd have to go into the goog so it was a pain in the butt to have to do this over and over so instead of going tents of a meter I basically went from 5 m to 4 and 1/2, to 4 to 3 and 1/2 and I basically went 5/10 of a meter each time so there could be a few tents of a meter of discrepancy just keep that in mind but basically it's not really worth noting so the base one shot kill aiming down sights about 3 and half meters, that's a pretty noticeable decrease and if you're HTI firing it's only out to about the 2 m Mark.

Now if you stack it with all of your ranged attachments, like the A12 barrel and the DB 107 suppressor, you can take your aiming down Sid's Max onot kill range out to about the 4 and 1/2 M Mark, which used to be about 6 and 1/2 M, maybe close to 7 m after the first initial nerve, so again, that's a pretty noticeable decrease, and you're definitely going to feel it.

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Then, when you stack on the big range attachments like the barrel and the suppressor, with dragons breath, before this Nerf and with the first NERF, you could still basically one shot out to about that 9 to 9 and 1 half meter mark, which was kind of ridiculous; that's really, really far. So that has basically been cut almost in half down to about 5 m of course give or take a few tents of a meter like I said, so as you can see from all these numbers, this was drastically, cut down and it's much closer to how I kind of anticipated it being when it was initially launched but instead we got like seven MERS with the base gun and then 10 with attachments was kind of ridiculous just absolutely broken, so this is much more in line now after using it for quite a bit I can tell it's definitely not one-shotting, but there are still instances where you will just pop up out of cover and bam, they are just dead instantly.

No gunfight; they're just gone, and that's always satisfying to me, but yes, you will notice a lot of your one-shot kills won't be as consistent. It's going to be mostly a two-shot kill. Basically, if you're barrel-stuffing someone, maybe a few meters past that, you are going to get a one-shot kill.

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Still, you don't have to be super accurate; you can still get a one-shot kill. But it's not going to be as terrible to deal with against people because I've noticed a lot fewer people using it in my games, and I've noticed they often get hit markers, so maybe they're not very accurate with their shot where you didn't really have to be before, but now you are, so it's not nearly as oppressive, but yes, it's still one-shotting.

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It's still probably going to get on a lot of people's nerves. I hate to say it, but that's just how it is with one shot, and especially with shotguns in particular, people do not like them, so it's going to onshot people. There's still going to be people upset and think it needs more of a Nerf, but Now let's get on to slugs.

Slugs info

Slugs info

With slugs, you can still on-shot headshot, which is really cool to see. I'm really glad they did that. I don't think they need to Nerf it. I think they just need to buff up marksman rifles and sniper rifles, especially with the movement coming in Modern Warfare 3 and Modern Warfare 3 War Zone 3.

Whatever you want to call it, we're going to have a lot more movement, and I think it's totally acceptable for marksman rifles and sniper rifles to one-shot kill. Just make it to where this gun still kills with one shot to the head. I think that's totally feasible. Now, keep in mind that before this update with this Nerf, you could get one shot with the slug to the stomach, which was kind of ridiculous, but that was only out to like 3 m.

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It really wasn't really super practical, but in a pinch, it was kind of cool, but now it's basically only a one-shot head shot. If you're hitting a head shot, you can't get one shot kills with the body, so just keep that in mind. I do want to cover the Doom bundle separately, so I will probably make a separate article for that just because the attachments are a little weird when you look at them and you can't actually switch attachments, so I'll probably have a different article for that at another time, but now I want to talk about my overall thoughts on this Nerf.

Overall thoughts / was it enough?

Overall thoughts / was it enough?

First of all the big question is was it enough, and for that I really don't know if I can say at this point I haven't really played against it much yet I flated against it a few times and it really wasn't that bad to deal with but it does still one shot decently far but it's much more manageable to play against and if you're using it you feel like you kind of have to hit your shot well, but if you're up close it's still kind of like a give me it's just kind of an easy kill but I mean that's just kind of the nature of this type of gun where you just get one shot, bam both barrels one shot kill done that's it so at this point I feel like I'm pretty fine with where it is now, again I think we still need to kind of sit on it play with it a little bit more and get more of a feel for it let people you know kill you with it but honestly it feels a lot more balanced than it did and to be honest one of the things I like about this Nerf is how riing it was on two shot kills.

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