News - 1 Hcr Setup Warzone 2. Insane Ads. Ttk


I told him it wasn't quite 50, but you know. I tried my best, but I actually ended up dropping 48 kills on this game. After the game ended, I went in to tell the guy, GG, and his response was absolutely hilarious, so you'll see that in a second. The gun that I'm using is the ACR, which is the LMG version of the old.

It's a pretty insane time to kill just because it's a lmg, but it also has pretty great ads speed if you put the right attachment into it in a certain way, so the only downfall is that because it's a heavy lmg, the movement speed is kind of subpar even while your aiming is very horrendous, sometimes.

YouTube recommends, so let's get into the article.

HCR SETUP IN MODERN WARFARE 2. HCR 56 Loadout and Tune. X axis "bottom", Y axis "side". Laser VLK LZR 7MW.
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