News - Warzone Bot Lobbies Exposed

2 box bot lobby

Bot lobbies bot lobbies bot lobbies, seem that's all you hear in the Call of Duty Community anymore bot lobby this bot lobby that hey nice bot lobbies pal my God a freaking bot lobby on one side of the fence you got people who have broken free from the algorithm and they actually have fun again playing Call of Duty and then on the other side of the fence you have the people that somehow take pride in still being victims of the algorithm and they only have sometimes when the algorithm decides, and how does the algorithm decide when you're going to have fun well they put you in the lobby that you have a high probability of doing good and winning AKA a bot lobby AKA a god Lobby because that is a necessary evil in order for you to have fun, what is having fun, popping off dropping streaks getting dubs dropping a nuke getting.

You can't do any of that with sweaty asses. [__]] sbmm, Lobbies. You can only do that in a lobby where you're better than the other people. What we used to call God lobbies is now what you call bot lobbies. Now you see the only difference between the two groups of people is that the first group enjoys bot lobbies all the time whenever they want to, while the other group only gets them whenever the game gives them to them, but at the end of the day, they're both enjoying bot lobbies.

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Even pro players will get put through the ringer by the algorithm and then be gifted bot lobbies, which will probably become the gameplay that they upload to their channel the next day, whether they are getting bot lobbies on their own or being gifted. The good game plays are popping off in bot lobbies.

bot lobbies exposed

The fun is being had in bot lobbies. Nobody's in join super competitive sbmm hell hole lobbies, and if you are, then that's what ranked players are for. Normal people have normal lobbies, regular lobbies, and no hidden MMR. No, he's just like me. We want to get better than the average guy, so then we can [__] on most people.

I Manan That's what Call of Duty is; whether you want to admit it or not, whether you like it or not, that's what Cod is [__]] on other people, not Struggle Bus, and then get lucky and get a win at the end, and you're just as surprised as everybody else. That's not fun, right? I'm sick of seeing people wagging fingers out here, pointing their fat, filthy [__]] fingers at others, like they're better than them because they wait like a good boy on their bot lobbies and other people get them [__]] at will.

The only difference is that you're a good boy. You know what I'm saying? I'm not a good boy. I don't want to be a good boy. Why would you want to be a good boy unless you support the system? if you don't agree with the algorithm. Then why sit up there and be a good boy to the algorithm? That doesn't make sense to me.

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It makes zero sense to me. Call of Duty was the funniest game of all time before 2019, according to this algorithm. So anything that preserves the way cards were back in the day, I support. Anything that destroys wood cards used to be something I'm in direct opposition to, and anybody else should be too, but instead.

You have certain groups of people who have what is called Stockholm syndrome. They have fallen in love with their abuser, apparently. They take pride in being victims of the algorithm. I it wait, wait you don't agree with it, but you don't agree with breaking free from it. That's like somebody not wanting to be locked up in jail, but you lock him up, and then he just accepts it, and [__] takes pride in being there.

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What makes me understand this madness? I could see if the system was good, it was healthy, it worked, and it made the game enjoyable, then I could understand, but it doesn't, it doesn't work, it's not good, it punishes you for doing well, and then it hands you a win when you've been getting your ass kicked.

call of duty sbmm

It's extremely inorganic, it's frustrating, it's alienating for good players, it doesn't belong here, we hate it, so I will not embrace it, and I would never understand how anybody does, but that's the current state of Call of Duty. My, you got a B, love. Hey, call the fun police. I think this guy's in a bot lobby, and you know what's hilarious?

The majority of the people out here wagging their fingers and saying this [__] are permanent bot lobby residents; they literally live in bot lobbies. That's why they're mad because we're coming and taking shite in there, Hom. So instead of being upset with the content creators that's out here in bot lobbies, you should be thankful because if it weren't for these delicious bot lobbies, there wouldn't be any Call of Duty content for you to goddamn consume.

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Why do you think so many car channels shut down, went out of business, and went and got a [__]] job? because the algorithm makes the game miserable. Even somebody who played the game for a living would rather go and get a regular [__]] job than play this [ __ ] rather go get a warehouse job than play this [ __ ].

I don't think some of y'all understand because, like I said earlier, bot lobbies make up 80, 85, maybe 90% of the entire population. So most people playing [__] are the bots that make up the bot lobbies. They're shaking their fingers about you playing with them, like there's something wrong with that.

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What's wrong is an algorithm that separates and alienates good players from the rest of the population so that the majority of the players get to enjoy good lobbies with a good connection. No funny business, nothing working against you while other players get to deal with all of the match rigging mechanics, all of the eomm tricks, and all the [__]] dirty [__]] that comes along with sbmm eomm hidden MMR rank play style pubs, which is from hell; we don't like it, we don't agree with it, we don't accept it, and we refuse to tolerate it.

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While others claim to not like it or claim to disagree with it, they do absolutely nothing about it; they just sit there and tolerate it like a good boy, and they expect you to be a good boy too. No, did you agree with the way this algorithm has been treating you or not? Because if you don't, then you don't need to be supporting this [__], and that means doing anything you can to break out of it, putting your little fat [__]] finger back in your pocket, and stopping pointing at other people like you better than anybody.

It doesn't matter how good you are; top players in the world still end up in bot lobbies after they get their asses kicked by cheaters. People who sit up there and try to ridicule others for playing in bot lobbies still end up in bot lobbies their goddamn self and be tickled pink about the [__]], end up dropping a PR.

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Do you think that you ever had a good game that wasn't in a bot lobby? You can't; it's impossible. Snap the [__] out of it. I'm sick of seeing the card community divided. With one side pointing fingers at the other side, why are you mad because people are having more fun than you if you like sweating?

Call of Duty's current SBMM matchmaking system has rendered the game unplayable or just plain unfun at best. VPN's, reverse boosting and 2 boxing is at an all time high because people just want to be able to enjoy the game. Bot lobbies are fun, whether you agree or disagree with skill based matchmaking in Warzone. We ALL play in them sometimes, some more than others, but no one is exempt.
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