News - Warzone 2. 0: Top 5 Best Loadouts To Use. Warzone 2 Best Weapons

Best fennec class setup with tuning in warzone 2.0

Best fennec class setup with tuning in warzone 2.0

This thing is insanely powerful, consistent, and has a great tick on the TTK in War Zone 2 as fast as is right. This thing sort of brings that to the extreme for close range fights, so here I'm going to go for the Fennec rubber grip first and foremost for my rear grip that'll end up helping out with your sprint to fire and add speed on go ahead and I tune that for the maximum sprint to fire speed but also better recoil steadiness as well, so it's still going to be easy to use.

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You've got to run the 45-round magazine on this thing; that is a must-have because, without it, you're not going to have enough ammo for squad fights. I've got the seven-milliwatt laser on here for the fast ads, and this faster Sprint of fire in the Olay laser is like a must-have. I think on any aggressive loadout, because of the faster sprint to fire and the fact that sure, it shows the laser, that's not a huge deal because you're not going to always be pre-aiming random corners; you just have to know where to pre-aim and how that's going to benefit your class setup.

now I also go for the Merc 4 grip here because that'll help out with some of the recoil steadiness, which is basically all control but also your aim in walking steadiness. And hip fire as well if you need that, and I go ahead and tune that for the max hip walking speed so you have that faster walk speed, and then I tune it a little bit for ads.

I don't want to go too crazy on that because it will start to hurt your accuracy a tad bit there. Then I go for the covert force barrel here, which is the integrated suppressor, also with a better range of velocity, which will hurt your accuracy a bit, but I actually tune it for better damage and better recoil.

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I set this because we get a faster walk speed from some of our other attachments. So it's nice and balanced and, like I said, super consistent for close range. By the way, I just want to remind you guys as we are breaking down these setups today. We are less than 15, 000 subscribers away from 900,000, which would be insane and kind of a lofty goal, but it would be insane if we could hit that before the end of November.

Seriously, I do appreciate all the support. We're gaining like a thousand new subscribers every single day. So much love to all of you guys for checking out the channel and enjoying the content. Let's try and aim for a bit higher light goal; let's go for 4000 likes on this.

Stb 556 best loadout with tuning in warzone 2

Stb 556 best loadout with tuning in warzone 2

Another option that I am really enjoying, especially for mid-range fights, is the STB556. The OG rifle version in this game, again, is more meant for mid-range. More than anything, you could build this for long range with maybe a longer-range scope, and it'll do all right.

It's relatively easy to use, but its damage over range is going to diminish versus some of the other options, like maybe an LMG or a stronger rifle like a 762 Cast Off, for instance, but I feel like this thrives in the mid-range. When I was using it last night, it was feeling so good and so consistent.

Here again, we're going for some interesting tunes. So I got the 42-round extended magazine on here; it's a pretty basic extended magazine that you need for duos, trios, quads, seven milliwatt lasers again for the faster ads, and Sprint to fire. I want this to be an aggressive rifle. I go for the Chrono Mini Pro; this is your blue dot optic here if you want this to have a longer range, Go for a walk four times.

cod warzone 2

Go for a different long-range scope that you enjoy using, but for me, mid-range. And close range works great with the Chrono Mini Pro. I go ahead and tune that for a slightly faster shutter speed yet again than Max for the far distance at the eye position. I go for the 508 rear barrel here. This is going to end up helping with that damage range and that velocity.

I tried some of these other barrels like that help out with the control, and frankly. I didn't notice a huge difference in my recoil, but I noticed it being a lot slower, so I wasn't a fan of those, and here I go for the maximum steadiness. So it does actually give you some better control. Again, for the maximum range, I go for the Echolus 80 muzzle.

modern warfare 2

This is another suppressor that only hurts your stability in ads, so again, pay attention to the pros and cons. It's going to help out with that velocity, keep you off the compass for the red dots, and also help out with the range in visual recoil. And here I tune it for a little bit better ads, whereas other times if you wanted to, you could go for that Max smoothness, and I go for the Max velocity.

Here as well, at some point, probably next week.

Warzone 2.0 victus xmr best loadout & tuning

Warzone 2.0 victus xmr best loadout & tuning

Now I did want to include one sniper setup, although sniping in Warzone 2 is not nearly as dominant as it was back in Warzone 1, because one-shot kills are not nearly as frequent if someone has fully plated up with three plates. I don't believe you can take one shot to the head sometimes. Even with two plates, I've noticed I've got some pretty strange hit markers, so sniping is not nearly as strong but obviously for ultra-long range.


I think the Victus XMR Our new season-one gun is the best choice if you don't have it fully leveled yet. Go for maybe the mcpr, or if you want an easy sniper to use that's a little bit weaker though the signal, you can spam this more, but its damage is not going to be as consistent over range as I've found, and to me, the victus is just so consistent in my opinion, so here I got the Bruin q900, rear grip on there that's going to end up helping out with that ads speed a little bit, and I tune it for Max ads then Max stability as well, so it's nice and easy to use, and they're also nice and quick.

The SPX 80 6.6-times optic here is probably my favorite sniper scope in the game. It has super, super clean sites, and if I go through with the firing range here, you guys will notice that I love that optic. It's also got a variable zoom as well—not too huge of a zoom, but it's there perfectly.

I got the seven-milliwatt laser for that faster ad speed as well as the high-velocity rounds. If you want to tune this for your maximum range and your maximum velocity, especially on a sniper here, then I go for the Bruin counter-ops muscle. This is again a suppressor that doesn't hurt too much outside of your average speed; it helps out that velocity and range yet again. I go ahead and tune that for Max ADS, Speed, and Max Velocity once more, so this is, in my opinion, probably the best sniper option, and then lastly, I've got the TAC 56, aka the Scar rifle.

Best taq-56 loadout & attachment tuning in warzone 2

Best taq-56 loadout & attachment tuning in warzone 2

I'm using a blueprint here from the store, but this thing, in my opinion, is probably my favorite rifle in the game.

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