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Fastest killing ranked play class (kastov 762)

I know it is not a gun that is used by pros, but I was fairly surprised that this is not a G8, and that this is actually usable in ranked play. The reason why is because the cast-off 762 received a pretty huge buff in season two, so the damage range for a three-shot kill is now at 55 meters. If you're going to compare that to attack 56, you can only get a three-shot kill up to 35 meters, so you just do the math; there's a huge difference there.

best class setups ranked play mw2

On top of that, it has an infinite two-shot headshot kill range, so if you're going to be using the castle of 762, you're definitely going to be melting your opponents, so what I'm using for this 762 class setup is the Tempest gh-50. FSS, shark fin 9-0 the high-velocity rounds of Trutech, grip, as well as the cast-out Brahma Now if you want to know my tuning, this is what I'm going with right here, so the same logic applies: whatever I do have as a con here.

I'm going to try to mitigate that in the tuning, so that's why I went with these values that you see on these sliders, and then moving on to the emphasis shark fin barrel, pretty much just gonna be skewing more towards that aim down sight speed because it's free, why not, and then I'm going to keep this at.

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Then, moving on to our high-velocity rounds. I got 0.38 toward that damage range and 2.90 toward that recoil steadiness, and then for my rear grip. I'm going with 0.03 toward that recoil steadiness and 0.2 two toward aiming auto stability, and for the cast of Rama.

Stat comparison (pro classes vs. recommendations)

Stat comparison (pro classes vs. recommendations)

I have 0.77 toward aim down sight speed and 2.01 towards aim idle stability, so the yellow attack 56 has the x-line pro stock, and the green attack 56 has the Cardinal stock, while this one is completely based; there are no attachments; and this is my cast-off 762 class setup for the pro vasnav, as well as my own personal attack 56 class setup.

I know this is very confusing, but the main thing to note here is the amount of shots it takes to kill, so clearly we see that my own personal cast-off 762 class setup has the best damage range. Now keep in mind that this is not updated in The Sims. I did a personal article of the 762 on my channel.

Make sure to check that one out, and do not miss that article. It states that it's a three-shot kill up to 44 meters; however, upon my testing, they extended it out to 55 meters, so you're basically looking at a three-shot kill up to 55 meters now when you compare that to the TAC 56 attack 50, which only gives you three shots to kill up to this 34-meter range.

best ranked play class mw2

If you're just looking purely at numbers and stats, then obviously the 762 is going to be an overall beast. Now when you take a look at the vasnav, this is exactly what I was talking about how you need to be designated. Aggressive player, you're only going to get a three-shot kill up to this 10 meter range, and then after that, you're looking at a four-shot kill up to this 18 meter range, so obviously it gets worse the farther range you go, but like I said, you must play up close and personal, even then at this range at mid-range.

You're competing against the attack 56 here as well as the 762, which take fewer bullets to kill at these ranges. Let's actually take a look at the torso shots here as well, because when you shoot at the torso, things do change. With the cast off 762, you still get a three-shot kill up to this 27-meter range, and then with attack 56, it's a four-shot kill up to this 28-meter range.

best ranked play class setup mw2

This mid-range definitely belongs to the cast of 762. We can even take a look at the headshots here, so for headshots. I mean, it's clear Castle 762, and two bullets up to this 44-meter range, but like I said, they completely destroyed the 762 in season two, and this is actually a two-shot kill at infinite range, so overall, the 762 is just an absolute powerhouse; it is hella broken all right.

So lastly, I want to show you guys some stat comparisons. This Tech 56 is for the X-Line Pro. Tac 56 II is with the Cardinal stock, so let's just compare these two real quick to see the main difference between them. These two are its ads, and as you see here, we get 292 milliseconds versus 299, so you are going to get faster ads with them.

best ranked play class setups mw2

With the X-Line Pro, an eight-millisecond difference between the two is not really going to be noticeable. The other difference here is vertical and horizontal recoil control, with which you are going to get worse recoil control with the X-Line Pro in exchange for a little bit faster shooting. But with the Cardinal, you do get a little bit better recoil control and a little bit slower ads, so you kind of have to pick your poison here, you know, do you want a little bit better recoil control or do you want a little bit better ads?

The recoil is definitely significantly better versus the previous two TAC-56 class setups. Now for the vasnav, you don't have a lot of muzzle velocity; remember, it's supposed to be used for up-close and personal reloading. The time is very bad for reloading, and the ad time is not as fast as our assault rifles here; however, not surprisingly, the ad time is pretty good.

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This is a very big difference here, so that's why I was saying you need to be playing up close and personal; you need to play aggressively, and you're going to win a lot of gunfights against these assault rifles if you're playing up close and personal and taking advantage of this ad time. Now, if we're comparing my personal attack 56-class setup, we do have a slower muzzle velocity; that's really the main difference in this category.

best ranked play classes mw2

The big difference here, like I was saying, and why I built it the way that I did is because we have a faster ad time at 266 milliseconds versus 292 and 299 definitely. There is a huge difference there for faster ads, and then moving along to the recoil here, we do have significantly better recoil and control with my personal 56-class setup versus the two pro-class setups here, so remember, one is pretty much the baseline for recoil, and anything below one is going to be better, and anything above one is going to be worse recoil.

Hopefully you learned something; make sure to use these class setups. I really like it, even if I lose a lot of matches because I'm playing solo. It's still really addicting and fun. Don't forget to leave a like. I appreciate all the support.

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