News - Top 5 Warzone 2 Meta Smgs After Update. Best Warzone Class Setups

It works for both, but enough with all the talking, I'm going to show you guys the best setup man, so for the very first steps you guys want to run, is the f-tack castle company. I already know I love this attachment, which gives you horizontal and vertical recoil control. The tuning on that we have the RICO civilization all the way up to plus 0.67, and then the gun can be all the way to the all the way to the right, which is plus 0.30.

For the underbelly, we have the phase three grip, which gives you an Amy's eye disability, hip fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization. Of course, depending on that, we have the recoil stabilization all the way up at plus 0.67 and then the aim and stability all the way to the right at plus 0.35. 45 does a lot; now, we did not run a barrel, so the range is going to be limited to just close to mid-range.

legends 6k

I have a long-range rail that kind of works, but this is the best for close ranges. This is the best SVG article there is. Now, I know this is a sub-article and this is a pistol that I'm showing, but we have the p890, probably literally, the top three in the game or close range metas. This is an SMG article for the close range metas, so I will be dumb to leave the Pa 90 off.

They did nerf this gun, but it is still absolutely gold. I still get a two-top deleted with this gun to this day while I'm going for gameplay, man. So for the first section we have, we have the hot and mouth barrel, which gives you a little velocity damage range coordination along with your accuracy.

That was kind of weird to say, like the first part, "I'm not even going to hold you." The next attachment is The tuning on that, we went ahead and threw the recoil, setting this all the way up to plus 0.44, and then the damage range all the way to the right at plus 0.35. Man, absolutely crazy trigger action.


We have the XRK heavy B3, which gives your aiming stability and spreads the fire for you with your AD SB, and the Tony. We have the recoil smoothness all the way up at plus 0.16, and the spread for five speed, which is key on an SMG and where any close-range gun is at, all the way to the left at negative 0.09.

Man, now we did throw in the 10th round, man. man The very last attachment we have that makes it absolutely broken is the akimbo attachment that you guys have to run for on the rear grip. They haven't done really much weapon tuning, and I think they should nerf a lot of guns, mainly the rpk and defense, so we can have a little more variety in the mix right now, but I'm really loving the game so far because of how they balance weapons because you can use almost anything, but the ttk is still a little too fast.

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