News - Top 5 Best Guns Right Now After Update Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

best class mw2

Earlier today, Modern Warfare 2 decided to drop a weapon tuning update where they tuned nearly half of the weapons in the entire game. So with that being said, in today's article, I'm going to be giving you the top five best weapons that you should be using. Right now, after the update, if any of these class setups help you out in any sort of way, do me a favor by clicking that thumbs up button; it'll help push the article and give us more exposure, and if it helped you out, chances are it'll help out others as well.

And don't forget to subscribe with all those notifications on so you don't miss out on future content from this guy without further ado. Let's get into the first-class setup. We're starting off with the cast 762, which actually received a close damage range increase. I have no idea it's already one of the strongest and hardest hitting weapons in the entire game, so here's the build I have on it, starting off with a 40-round mag This will allow you to get some crazy feeds and take out multiple enemies without having to reload.

It's great to have it on we have on the X10. Next, grip something different that I don't normally use, but you get a pretty good increase in your accuracy, and recoil control reduces the bounce and makes the weapon a whole lot more accurate. Still, as of today, you cannot tune the underbarrels. It says I have it tuned.

best class season 6 mw2

I basically tuned it for recoil stabilization and recoil control. Once you're able to tune it, go ahead and do that, but again, there is still some issue going on with that. We then have the Polar Fire muzzle, and I kind of use this as my barrel because you get bullet velocity and damage very similar to what you would get on a barrel, and that's going to make this thing kill quick ER at those longer-range engagements and just make it that much stronger than it already is.

And then we have on an optic you can throw one on if you like if you don't then throw on another attachment like the VK laser but I think a red dot honestly suits this weapon pretty well you're able to see a lot better, and then I tune it for aimed on sight speed and then the bottom slider I left alone you can tune it to however you feel you need to your aim walking speed so you get strength quicker making it way harder for the enemy SL shots on you and you get Sprint speed so you can get around the map a lot more quickly be a lot more aggressive, get up in the enemy's faces, and then for the tuning.

best class setup mw2

Double combo, we got the aim, walking settin, and aim walking speed so when you're aiming and walking you're going to be quicker and your weapon is going to be easier to use so you'll be moving quicker it'll make harder for the enemies to land shots on you you're Landing more of your shots, it overall just works so well together and then bring it thing to the firing range and you're going to see I mean buffing the close damage range is ridiculous, like why would you do that on this it's already incredible and you could see I mean very easy to control, very good mobility on it as well I mean, get your hands on it I mean, they just buff the arguably best players in the game Next, we have the bass pie setup that not only broke my kill record in this game but also allowed me to drop five MGB nukes in one single game.

best class setup season 6 mw2

I completely forgot to include the class setup in that article, so here it is today, and I also would like to mention that this received a buff; it increased the mid-damage range on this, so it's better than it was previously. Yeah, ridiculous, so here's the build: We got the 50-round drum; I can take out multiple ends without having to reload, get some crazy feeds, and whatnot, especially if you're using this on shipment.

You got to have that, and we then have on the bruan pendulum muzzle. I get an increase in vertical and horizontal recoil control; it'll help me add a lot more shots, and that'll increase the ttk on it. The tuning is recoil stabilization and recoil control, so it is just fully dedicated. To make the weapon as accurate as possible, we have the Bruan Drake Barrel.

This is a movement barrel, so I can kind of finesse around the map, get around a lot more quickly with the movement speed, and be quick and snappy with the aimed-on sight speed. tuned it for recoil and aimed for sight speed. We have the VK laser, where you get more aimed at sight speed. spr to fire speit, so your weapon is just ready at all given times, and the tuning on this is exactly that aimed down sight speed.

best class setups mw2

Sprint to fire speed, and then our stock We have the Bruan Flash V4 in stock. This is just a mobility attachment that, again, just helps you get around the map so much more quickly, finesse around, get Sprint speed again, be more aggressive, get more kills, and aim for walking speed. Strife quicker, which makes it harder for them to land shots on you.

They are more aimed at sight speed, and the tunings are fully dedicated to mobility. Bring this to the firing range, and you're going to see—I mean, obviously we have—Fantastic. Mobility, ads are great, and then recoil control, manageable, medium range No problems; this may be the best SMG in the entire game.

I don't know. Next, we have the FR advancer, aka the Famas. They buffed this in season five, loaded it again in season 6, and then they did it again a little earlier today, and before any of that, it was already very good, so you can only imagine where it's at now. So here's the build I like to use on it, starting with the mag.

best class setups season 6 mw2

I honestly flip-flop between the two; I can't give you a definitive answer on which one's better, so rock whatever you feel most comfortable with. Sometimes I like the 60, other times I like the 45. Right now, we have the 45 on. I then have the best underbarrel for controlling recoil and making your weapon as accurate as possible, the FTC Ripper 56.

You could just see how much of an increase in your accuracy you get again. The tuning is all messed up; stop it, but tune it for recoil stabilization and recoil control. We have the Cronin Op 44 muzzle with more vertical and horizontal recoil control. The pairing between these two attachments is ridiculous.

Wait till we get into the firing range, and the tunings for this are the exact same as the underbelly. The recoil stabilization and recoil control are moving on, and we have the SA caution grip. The fire rate's a little high, so that's why we have a lot of these recoil control attachments. We get more of that here, and I tuned it for exactly that.


And then our final attachment is our Sprinter stock, which you actually cannot tune. This will give you sprint speed so you can get around the map a lot quicker, be more aggressive, get more kills, and then aim for walking speed, so it's very straightforward. Build, and I mean, you're going to see, so I have a lot of these recoil control attachments and accuracy attachments.

NEW TOP 5 BEST GUNS RIGHT NOW after UPDATE in MW2! Modern Warfare 2 Best Class Setups.
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