News - Top 5 Ar Meta Loadouts Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - Mw2

20-inch brunt silver series for bullet velocity damage, range recoil control, and hip fire accuracy at the cost of aim-down sight speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control. Warrior, lmg for aiming out stability, aiming walking steadiness, recoil stainless, and recoil stabilization at the cost of Sprint to fire speed, aim outside speed, crash movement speed, and aim walking speed—trust me, this is the best one.

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Then we're going to put on the aim op V4, for precision site go to the far distance, and then the step 40 grip for recoil control at the cost of aiming stability change aiming out stability at 0.42 inches and the recoil stain is to 0.77 ounces, and this thing is absolutely wonderful. I'm surprised that other people don't use it.

The fact of How High meta this thing is in the amazing range The low recoil and high damage make it a fantastic weapon overall, so I've advocated for this thing enough to highly suggest using it. The Sun grenade throwing knife perk package is overkill for double-time fasting and high alert unless I'm using a single primary, which is Tracker.

Tracker is amazing for finding your enemies. Double-time fast hands and high alert are perfect for when people are behind you or by your side and you just don't know who they perfect for turning on the enemy.

TOP 5 AR META Loadouts in Warzone 2! Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - MW2.
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