News - This X12 Class Setup Turned Me Into John Wick Warzone 2. Best X12 Loadout & Tunes

akimbo x12

This is the X12. It is the starter pistol in Modern Warfare 2 and its real-life counterpart. It is the starter pistol, and in pretty much every first-person shooter you've ever played, in terms of damage, it is the fourth-best pistol out of five. The only gun worse is the X13, which is just this gun but automatic.

Its other statistics are incredible, though, and if you build this thing the right way, you can honestly get two- or three-shot kills at pretty decent ranges. Let's take a look at those attachments.

Class setup

Class setup

Usually, for my class setups, we start with the secondary, then go back to the gun we're using, but today the gun is the secondary, so for the rest of the class, the attack is a stun lethal, a semtex perks package, one double-time battle art, and fast dance.

Like I said, the only attachments on this build that I have from the X12 are the magazine and the trigger, and honestly, the magazine may even be from the X13 because I'm 90 sure, and to get the laser, which is the FGX dyad, 70, you're going to have to level up the GS50. But for this, you get aimed on sight speed, aim stability, and sprint to fire speed going to the other attachment that has no tuning that I have on the 24 round magazine.

akimbo x12 mw2

Mo bullets. If you want to use the 33-round magazine, go for it. If you want to use the 50-round magazine, go for it. I really wouldn't recommend the 50-round magazine for a semi-automatic pistol, especially considering how badly this is probably going to hurt your handling, but I think you could get away with a 33-round magazine.

I just didn't think it was necessary, so going back to the rear grip, we have the Cronin and Lima 6-grips. Be quick on the draw and faster to aim with this tactical grip from the Cronin pistol. Fast Draw Sprint to fire speed and aimed on sight speed pistol. Fast Draw is the thing whenever you're out of ammo and your main weapon, then you immediately swap to your secondary, but both guns are still out.

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That was a terrible explanation, but that's the weird pistol. The swap animation that people get in this game sometimes is this attachment that does that. It goes into the tuning for the rear grip maxed out for aimed on sight and sprint to fire. Going to the trigger, we have the XRK Lightning Fire Trigger, a sensitive and responsive rapid fire trigger designed for lightning fast shots, and that is exactly what it does plus fire rate.

best pistol mw2

That's all we're getting from it, despite the cons or minuses. Sprint to fire speed and aiming idle stability I'm not worried at all about the aiming stability of the Sprint or what the firing speed might be for some people. be a bit of an issue personally; I didn't really notice a fall off with it in the slightest, but if that is a problem for you, you could always use the XRK, Tr9, or 9 trigger.

You're getting a little bit of the aiming stability that we lost anyway back and less fire rate, but I personally think that more fire rate in this case is just better because it is a semi-auto and you're going to want to put as many shots on target as quickly as possible, so I use the lightning fire rate.

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You can use the TR9 if you want, but to make up for the lack of sprint to fire speed, I completely tuned it for aimed on sight speed and sprint to fire speed. Then finally, the big boy attachment, which has been postponed. This class has been setup for so long because I had to level up the p890 to get this thing, the Fort Steel fire suppressor.

This silencer offers excellent sound suppression range and decent recoil smoothness, but the biggest reason you want it is because this is the only suppressor I know of that does bullets. Velocity and damage range The recoil's smoothness and sound suppression are just bonuses because, honestly, there's not a lot of recoil with this gun anyway, and the sound suppression is just always nice because people and pubs are dumb in the tuning.

I have this completely maxed out for ad speed and bullet velocity. Now, I genuinely wasn't expecting to have the game I have whenever I hop into the match you're about to see, but in this shipment match, I was literally John Wick for 10 minutes. These are the five attachments I was using; these are the tunings I was using.



Let's see if pistol shipment works any better than Tarak shipment, which you're not going to see because I had really good Mercado, Los Alamos gameplay with 55 kills of this thing and over a 2.0 KD. The clip in the intro had that game the clip in the intro is from that game, but my recording software went rogue and, you know, deleted it.

hello, hello teammates. Help, don't let Shield Man just run around willy-nilly, like we can shoot at him; it's okay; that's how the game works; it's literally half the game; it's in the name; it's a first-person shooter, not a first-person shooter; watch him beat your teammate to death like a dude.

best secondary mw2

Why are they spawning on the objective? Is that not like the number one thing that shouldn't happen whenever your coding spawns, like, because I don't know man as a competitive player, if I had enemy players spawning in the objective. I would be pretty upset? And tell me if that guy was just pre-firing or shooting my body, like I'm using the pistol; if you're upset at me for using a pistol, that's your problem.

We lost—well. I had 106 with a pistol, so let's hope to God that my recording software doesn't just decide to delete this recording too, because that would be horrible: 106 and 38 with a. I understand it was a shipment, but, all right, whatever, foreign.

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