News - The 2 Shot Akimbo X12 Pistols Warzone 2. Best X12 Class Setup / Loadout - Mw2



physical faster than any SMG in the game right now, so I'm going to go over the best tunes and classes with you guys in today's article: the pistols, We're talking about the X12s, but I know a lot of people are using the p890s.

Class setup

Right now, these things honestly might be a little bit better in some different ways, so let's get right into it.

The first attachment we are going to be going with on these things is, of course, the akimbo. This is of course going to allow us to dual wield these pistols, which is going to give us an insane time to kill increase; like I said, it is literally going to kill more than your favorite SMGs. The laser we want to rock on these things is, of course, a laser, and since these are Kimbos, we will only be able to hit fire with these things, so the laser we want to rock is the 1 mW pistol laser.

akimbo pistols

This laser gives the biggest buff to hit fire axis, which is going to be perfect for these pistols, and we're gonna help us get that Sprint to fire speed which comes in real clutch with these things when you're using these you're going to be sprinting with them a lot, so if you come around a kid and there's a kid you're not expecting it that's print the fire speed it's just gonna help us get our shots off before our opponent does making it pretty much impossible to lose a close range gunfight, the next attachment, we want to rock is the Ft steel fire this is gonna help us out with that bull velocity.

and damage range, which obviously says we can only hit fire with these things; we don't have the best damage range with the right attachments. Flinch, so when you're hitting them, their guns are going to be kicking a lot more than it should be which is going to make it much harder for them to hit their shots on you now that we have all the attachments, we do want to get straight into the tune so up first we have the steel fire we are going to max out the bullet velocity to make sure it bolts are getting to the Target faster, and sense 80 yes speed is useless because we can only hit fire we do want to Max with the recoil smoothness, up next we have the trigger fire tunes.

For this one thing, we want to go back and recall spoon this, and on the bottom bar, we want to max out our sprint to fire speed to make sure we can get our shots off as fast as possible. And lastly, for the classic part of the article, guys, we want to max out that damage range if you can kill enemies from a little bit further, and once again, we want to max out that bullet velocity.

Just make sure our bullets are traveling to the target as fast as they possibly can. That's it for the classic part of the article, guys. We've got a banger gameplay up next. I really hope you enjoy this gameplay. Peace ,,.*.

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