News - The "new" Best Taq-56 Class Warzone 2. Best Taq-56 Class Setup

I mean look at that, the handling section is not moving hardly at all minus. We've pretty much. I don't think I've maxed out anything on this gun so far, but now let's go take a look at the bottom slider here, and so you can see, we'll move this over. We can see that this actually can be more or less close to maxed out. You really don't have to, so we can get to about here at a plus point three and four, and so we still got some benefits for, you know, our Sprint or ads speed, but we also still got some down here for helping stabilize the gun, which is definitely very beneficial, and lastly, we're going to go into the stock section since we're not running like a like pretty much like a muzzle or anything when it goes through on the TV Cardinal stock for aim walking speed and Sprint speed.

Tv cardinal stock

Tv cardinal stock

This just helps you, you know, kind of move around the map a little bit better. Of course, aim walking speed is hugely beneficial since you are aimed on target like 90 plus percent of the time with an AR, meaning you're not going to be having a lot of hip fire engagements. So, you know, aim walking speed is really, really good.

All right, and now for the tuning on the stock here, we're going do is we're gonna go for a little bit more on the ads side and a little bit more on the aim walking speed side. pretty, It's early on, so this seems to be the sweet spot here (negative 1.85). In terms of going down here if you want to go for aim walking speed.

I mean, this is going to max out here pretty early on as well, and we can do this pretty much at a negative 1.15, and pretty much they call it a day here on the Cardinal stock. This is my full build for the TAC 56. You have a little bit of aiming idle sway, but you're going to be able to see if they recoil very minimally.

best taq 56 class setup

It's my first Christmas shipment here. I'm excited for this one. We do not need to spawn people like, literally, on that flag there: I'm friendly. I'm friendly. I'm on her team. All right, make sure we call that in at 174 with a triple cap and damn near this whole game. My, God, right there too.

What was my streak? There's no way to beat my longest streak with that. All right, it looks like I did not beat my highest streak of 46 because it's still there. It's either that or I tied it. You can't see it in the After Action Report, but that's that damn man. I was close; I had to have been

the NEW BEST TAQ-56 CLASS in MODERN WARFARE 2! Best Taq-56 Class Setup MW2 | Chuck.
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