News - Secret" Minibak Class Setup Is Unstoppable Warzone 2. Best Smg Class Setup" Warzone 2


I just got the best game I've ever had in Modern Warfare 2, and because I don't reverse boost, I'm really happy with this game that I actually ended up getting. So I got 82 kills in this game, now I did get like 37 death serves, and we could ignore those because that's just the skill-based matchmaking, like these lobbies ain't easy man, we gotta try and do really better in this game, but yeah, this class is actually disgusting, it's the mini-back.

I never thought I'd use it. I literally had this gun at level one and had it I literally level one got it all the way up to level 15. Guys, we're going to set a light goal of 1, 000 likes or 999. If we could hit that, that'd be an absolutely amazing subscription to the channel. If you guys around here have those notes turned on, we're on the road to 670k.

Once you level it up, yeah, I'm going to show the classic guys before we get into it. I'm just going to throw it up on a screen right here if you guys just want the attachments and don't care about the tuning and stuff like that. You could go ahead and copy these attachments one by one and use them and do what you've got to do with them, but yeah, the first one that we're going to throw on, trust me.

best class

Guys, these tunings are absolutely insane. You want to tune the gun the way I tuned it, and I didn't tune it just for ads. You guys are going to see what I did, so the first one is the muzzle, and that's the X10 and the RR40. Now this gives you sound suppression, bullet velocity damage, range recoil, and smoothness.

It does take away some ads and some aiming stability, but we don't have to worry about that too much. The reason I threw this on is for the damage range and that recoil smoothness. Now when we go into the tuning. A lot of the shots end up being hits. Some abs and some hip recoil control are needed, but that's not something we really need to worry about too much.

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As you guys saw, the class is solid; it doesn't have the fastest ads, and it doesn't have the fastest sprint to fire, but it is a solid class for all ranges. When you go into the tuning on this one, instead of putting the ads all the way up. I decided to put the damage range all the way up, which is super helpful, and then I put the recoil steadiness all the way up as well.

This is probably the last time I'm going to head in here. Just watch these one, two, three, and four shots to the bottom of the stomach: one, two, three, and, I'm going to say, four guys. It seems like a lot, but there's a lot of ARS in this game that takes place at that exact same distance. Six shots as well, and this gun shoots faster than a lot of the ARs, and the really good thing about this one is that the base ammo that you get in the magazine on this one is 64 rounds, which is really great in my opinion, as well as 64 rounds you're going to go through those, it's going to be really long before you have to end up reloading, so if you're going like high streaks right there.

I killed you guys.

Slimline pro

Slimline pro

The next attachment is optional. Now, this one here is the Slimline Pro. I like it, and I tuned it for far and wide on this one here, but you could take it off if you don't really want it; you could definitely take it off and lose even less ads, and if you do take it off. I would recommend running any laser whichever one you want that gives you hip fire accuracy, hip fire recoil controller, hip recoil control, and all that kind of stuff.

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I want to run the canton.

Markeev r7 stock

We're going to go into the stock and ; for the stock, we're going to use the Marqueev. R7, stock for crouch movement speed, which I don't really care for, but what I really like is the ads and the sprint speed. The sprint speed because it's an SMG already goes pretty fast, and the ads speed is just an added bonus because we're using a lot of tunings that give us more recoil control in this.

We definitely want some ads on our site. Now, you do lose recoil control, but it's all good. We're going to throw the ads on to the max on this one, and with the aim of walking speed, we're going to put up a little bit as well rather than aiming for idle stability. You and I could turn on the aim-lock steadiness, but I really don't recommend it.

I like the ads to be a little quicker, so I threw that up on that attachment right there.

True-tac grip

True-tac grip

Now moving on to the final attachments, you, guys, could or should throw on the true tack grip and rear grip. This gives you sprint to fire speed and, admittedly, it takes away some recoil, but it's a lot of visual recoil in my opinion; it's not much recoil to the actual gun, and this right here is the Springfield XD.

Fire speed and ads are really important now because we have ads we should throw all the way to the top just to make that a little better, and the Sprint fire speed should go all the way to the top as well. We want to have that Sprint Fire speed up for many reasons. Reason number one: if you're sprinting and you're caught sprinting around the corner or something, you want to shoot faster than the enemy.

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Reason number two: it's just always nice to have Sprint to fire speeds, so I really recommend that now.

Minibak grip mag

best class setup

Now, let's say we throw this on instead of the actual optic, right? We're going to go ahead and throw that on right there. Let's head into the firing range and see if it makes much of a difference.

Boom. I find The Recoil's kick a lot harder to control, so I really don't see a reason to run that ammo unless, like, look one, two, three, and four; there you go one, two, three, and four; and then let's see long range: one, two, yeah, let it come back up; it doesn't take two shots. Guys, trust me on that.

Wait for it to come back up. We're going to go now. Let's set it to one shot at a time. There we go. One, two, three. my, four, five, six, so it sounds like six shots. Yeah, that's really horrible in terms of actors, so I wouldn't even recommend that honestly. Slimline Pro, throw it too far and throw the ads all the way up to the top, so that's it right there for the class.

best kastov 74u class

I love doing that, so go ahead and comment, "Yo, how did you fill seven attachments on this class?" "How did you do that?" Just say that, like, just mess with people who didn't make it this far into the article. That's not a problem. Also, guys. I'm going to be uploading some shorts now, and I'm going to be testing them on my channel more than anything because I heard that if my views are going to get a lot less views, a lot less recommended, and stuff like that, so I kind of just want to see if my views are going to be a little down, and stuff like that.

I just want to test it out and see if I upload a short and if anything comes of it. You know, I still want to try it out, but yeah, like I said, guys. Make sure to drop those likes.

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