News - Broken "kastov 74u" Class Has No Recoil Mw2. Best Class Setup" Warzone 2 Multipla


For those of you who don't care about watching the article and just want the class setup, here you go. I've got you guys covered. I've got you guys covered as well. Don't worry; this is the cast-off 74U Overpowered Class setup. I redid my entire class, and maybe I kept one or two attachments, but guys.

We've been killing it with subscribers lately, and I truly appreciate that, and I really want to thank you guys. Make sure to drop a "like" on this article. We're going to set a light goal of 102 likes, but it could be yesterday's 100 on one. I know you guys can do it. That would be awesome. Guys, are you a war zone player or a multiplayer player?

So far, I think I've played three games of Warzone, so, yeah, I haven't tested any of these classes in words, but I'm sure they're good. But yeah, take that with a grain of salt, and let's get into this class setup. It is gross, it is disgusting, and you are definitely going to draw people with it, so the first thing I want to talk about is tactics.

Lethal i haven't changed my mind; it's always been the same. I like stun shots; they're nice, and they help you get back into those gunfights really fast. I also like the proximity concept because, honestly, I'm lazy and I don't want to throw stuff at enemies. I like throwing this on the ground and letting the enemies run through it.

Now, one thing I will warn you about is if you throw the proximity mind down a lot. If you notice you're going to throw it down right when an enemy runs by sometimes and it's not going to kill him, you better start shooting because, like, this thing is weird; once you throw it down, you've got to make sure it's like three seconds away from any enemy and stuff like that because if they run into it the second you throw it, it's not doing any work at all.

Perk package 1 package

Perk package 1 package

So normally, I have double-time tactical, cold-blooded, and ghosts, but I feel like cold-blooded. I don't really need all of it, so what do I put on this set? Crazy, so definitely have that if you don't like it. Bird's eye is really nice as well. This gives you, once you get this perk, a bird's-eye view on the mini map, and you can see the direction all the enemies are going in, so definitely throw that on right there.

My last class was built for ads, it was built for sprint to fire, and it was built for all that kind of stuff. This one is built for close range, but it's also built with mid-range and long range in mind, so you will be able to kill people at those longer distances with this class, but it's also really nice at close range as well. The first one is the barrel, the br-209, Barrel.

Br209 barrel

Br209 barrel

Yeah, movement speed, and you get added speed now, but notice that you lose some recoil control, so in the tuning, what I did here is I put the recoil steadiness to the max because you're still going to get a very decent amount of sprint to fire and aim walking speed and all that, and then the ads, which, thank God, are not the same as this one, are completely different from the recoil, setting It's normally where the aim-locking speed is in the ads; speed is there, but luckily on this attachment, you can put the recoil to the max and the ads to the max.

You can do that with a lot of these attachments, so this one is really nice. Again, the damage range is smaller because I play on smaller maps, and this is a smaller map weapon, so you don't have to worry about damage range too often, so yeah, leave it at that. Speed is really solid, and it recoils steadily.

Miss We got both on this attachment, which I think is great; down to the muzzle, I put the Broadhead 3DP , which is sound-suppressing and recoils.


Smoothness, recoil, and control—this gives you all of that, but you do lose damage range, walking speed, and aiming stability, which is not really a fair trade in my opinion.

That's a lot of cons, but I find this attachment really does a nice job at controlling. Again, bullet velocity is good for war zones, but in multiplayer, you don't need to worry about it at all. So let's get into the firing range here. You can practically take your finger off the joystick. It's still a lot easier to control than, I guess, my last cast-off class.

This one's pretty solid; the ads aren't that bad; it is definitely slower, but the sprint to fire speed again is not that bad. You could definitely do really well with this class; right here, under the barrel, is the X10 Nexus.

Xten nexus grip

Xten nexus grip

Gripping now this one right here gives you recoil stabilization and aiming idle stability. I don't put anything really towards the aim walking speed. From what I have tested it fully yet but from what I have tested when it comes to aim walking speed it's not good, so the aim walking speed if.

You move too fast. Your aim assist doesn't really work too well, so that's why I don't like throwing it on too often. The slower you move, the stronger and longer it feels the aim assist is, so I'm going to try and test that a little more for you guys to try to confirm that for you guys, but as it stands right now.

I'm not putting anything on that helps aim locking speed.

20 round mag

20 round mag

I mean, it might be worth it. You guys could try it; I just don't want to. I like the 45. The 45 is nice. I mean, you could keep it at 30 if you don't want to lose any of this advertising and Sprint to Fire and stuff, but as it sounds right now, I feel like 45 is nice. The less you have to worry about reloading, the less chance you have to die while reloading.

But if you were to take off the 45-round magazines and you were happy with 30, then I would go into the rear grip and I would throw on the true tack grip right here.

True-tac grip

I could sprint to fire speed and add speed, but I'm not going to do that. I'm going to leave the 45-round magazine, but for those of you who don't care if it's 30 or not, you could definitely do that.

It might not look that great, but trust me, get into a game with it. One, two, three matches with it, and you're going to notice how much you start loving this class. It is accurate. It is disgustingly good, snazzy S10 stock, which is really nice. You've got sprint speed. You got Aim down side speed. Crouch movement speed and aiming stability now you could Run.

Vlk stockless

Vlk stockless

I want you to pay attention. Don't even worry; I'm not going to shoot them. I'm just going to shoot here. Pay attention to the recoil. Go into the tuning, and what you're going to want to do is put the ads all the way to the max on this one because aim locking is setting it so you don't have to worry about it too much, but then I would also recommend this one right here with the aiming idle.

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