News - Scump's New "vaznev 9k" Setup Is Like Hacking. Best Vaznev 9k Class Setup" Warzone 2



The VS of the 9K is actually the best SMG in Modern Warfare 2. It's so good that the pros actually use it in the CDL. That being said, I'm going to give you guys a fantastic best-class setup for the best of 9K. I really need to get inside. It is so chilly, my way better. You know we've got the Christmas vibe in here.

Vaznez 9k class setup

Vasnav is the best SMG and model for two because it pretty much has the same time to kill as all the other SMGs. But there's literally no recoil in the weapon; you don't even need attachments for the weapon to feel good, and then you have so much mobility that you can really rush with the weapon.

best mw2 vaznev 9k class

That being said, you only need like three attachments; I believe Skump and all the other CDO pros only use three attachments. This weapon has one of those attachments. Juke out the enemies because. I hope quick, you are strafing for the tuning if you didn't know they actually G8, in the CDL, which pretty much means Gentleman's Agreement, which means all these CDO pros agreed to not tune their weapons, and so we're not actually going to have any tuning in the setup, but if you want to use this in the public matches.

Here are the tunings I recommend for the stock: We just increase the AD because the weapon doesn't really bounce when we are strafing for the bottom bar. This is why it's like such a good weapon for the next attachment, because this weapon is already so stable. We're going to go over to the rear grip and we're going to add the true tag grip, which is going to increase the overall mobility of the weapon, making it even better for rushing.

best vaznev 9k class

This thing is so freaking easy to use for the tuning on the true tag grip. You just want to increase the recoil, but if we're going to and if we're going to. Recon the weapon, which really doesn't have any recoil, but the horizontal is nice to minimize; you can kind of notice it at medium range, plus the weapon already has a really good ads speed, so we don't need more than that, and then for the bottom bar, because the sprint of fire speed is so important, bring the bar to the left to negative 0.32.

This is where you get the most amount of sprint to fire speed without having that many cons since so many attachments are G8, and they can only really use like three on the weapon. I'll be giving you guys like another setup or I'll add to it in case you want to use it in the public matches and make it a little bit better.

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For the CDL setup, you want to go over to the muzzle and then add the lock shot KT, 85. This is going to reduce the overall recoil on the weapon; again, we don't really need this, but it does make the weapon more complete. Beam, and you will never miss any bullets. For the exact CDL, setup the one that I was running in the gameplay and the one that Costco uses because of all the gas.

best vaznev 9k class mw2

This is going to be the best setup, so if you want to use the exact CDL setup, then I wouldn't tune any of your attachments; I would keep them all the same. But if you want to make the weapon a little bit better, I would follow those exact tunes that I gave you, and then I would tune this for the gun kit.

Troll, and then you want to go over to the underbellies and add the shark fin to 90. Then I would tune the shark fin to 90. Okay, this might get a little bit confusing, so just listen up. Say you want to run a laser, which I think is very good for the weapon, which is going to be the Ole laser. This adds a lot of aiming stability, so then you can tune the shark fin to give you more aim walking speed than stability, but if you're not running a laser, there's going to be a lot of sway on the weapon.

Also read:

If you tune this for aim walking speed, then I would tune it for aim stability if you are not running a laser. By the way, in the gameplay, I'm just running the untuned setup, but I do think the setup I'm giving you right now is a lot better. This is my favorite Vaz m9k setup, and just remember if you don't want to run a laser, obviously, take this off and then tune this for aiming stability. Then I would go over to the ammo and put on the armor-piercing rounds and tune it for damage range and bolt velocity, which is.

Mgb w/ scump vaznez 9k class setup

Mgb w/ scump vaznez 9k class setup

The bathroom is good. Yeah, it's one of the best SMGs, or probably the best SMG in the game, the best SMG in the game just because all the SMGs have a pretty similar TTK.

One just has so much mobility, so I guess if you're more of a slower player, it won't be the best, but if you're a very aggressive player, it's for sure the best SMG. The AK-74U is pretty much an SMG that's an AR, same like I'm always this freaking mutt at the beginning, and then I start warming up, and I have like crazy flicks.

I see a couple guys over here; maybe I should queue up at the shooting house. I think they are just dying, and they're going in weird directions, so I can't really predict them. Here we have a couple to my right; I wonder—no, I can't find you guys. It makes boys catch that need like a football.

best vaznev 9k class setup mw2

Boy, so my football might not be my football but my American football team is, and the Seahawks won today, and I thought they were going to lose but they won, and so now they're in the playoffs. Come on, keep feeding me. I'm still hungry. I haven't had any dinner today. I need some food from eating the enemies; sure.

I'm over here; there we go, we got a couple spawning over here; let's go on the Hilo; hopefully they go to shoot down my Hilo, then I can get some free easy kills. I don't know what this guy's doing; he's just scouting and waiting. I think he had a shotgun too. With this weapon, you're so mobile, but you can land on it.

Also read:

When I first used this weapon, I didn't like it. It felt like I was shooting like a paper clip, honestly, because if you hit your shots, they kill very quickly. Okay, so we got the UAV; let's see if they should be pushing me. I kind of want to pop a battle rage just in case there's an aid. We got the MGB Let's go easy.

best vaznev 9k loadout

MGB What the heck, boys? My first game, let's go! What's a better jump shot? drop shot C jumping a lot do you change your controls It's kind of situational, you know, because the jump shot in your ads does get slowed down by 35, so you are at a disadvantage. When you jump shoot, you can do it the right way; it's kind of hard to explain.

You can break the enemy's camera, but drop-shotting is more like if you unexpectedly see them and you need to do something in the moment because I only really jump around a corner. How are you, buddy? What are you doing? Are you changing the shite soil of that tree? You just came out of his butthole.

My teammate's name is Butthole. not bad; let's go easy, Dukes; let's go. What's your second monitor, a BenQ 49 and seven, not that good but we got the MGB,

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