News - New" Weapon Xp Glitch. Max Rank 30 Min. Warzone 2. 0 Insane Xp Glitch After Patch

best weapon xp glitch in warzone

Today I have a article on a new Call of Duty glitch. This glitch is right here; not too many people no I really haven't seen it much on YouTube. It is very, very broken, but it is so good for XP and really, really easy. There are about two glitches and then one method. Stay tuned until the end because all of these are going to come together nicely to make such an old-fashioned way to get XP.

So anyway, let's get right into the first glitch, but before we do that, I do want to mention today's sponsor. If you need to get any camo unlocked, including Orion gold, platinum, and more, or get any level unlocked, check out today's sponsor, Brown Magician. They have a lot of services, and these handles will transfer an item to Warzone.

They have bot lobbies right now for a cheap price that'll let you get any camo, and you can literally just walk around easily. Get the camo in no time. It is very, very cool, and this is a great service. They are perfectly safe, and they do have a Discord, so if you have any questions or concerns, you can join their Discord, which will be linked.

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The first glitch is going to be the new one that I am talking about, the one that most people probably do not know, and all these glitches will come together nicely. So you guys can perform these three glitches in one game so you guys get the most XP, so stay tuned until the end if you really want the most XP.

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So the first thing you're going to be going for is as much money as possible, and you want scoring streaks. And one of the best ways to do that is by using this insane wall breach glitch to put you into rooms that have tons of score streaks and money that will get you tons of XP. So basically, what you need to do is go ahead and find an area where there is a stronghold if you go to this area marked.

On a map, there should be a stronghold, and once you guys get to the stronghold, you will see that the doors are going to be locked and you can't open them. Well, today, we're going to show you guys how to skip the doors and actually go right into it to get all of the loot so you can get XP. So here we go.

That is just a one-door door; you don't want two doors since they won't work, and you want to have yourself just stand against the door and push towards the door while looking away from the door just like you see me. At this point, your friend has fully run into you, and you want to continue to push back.

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If you've done it right, then you should automatically just teleport right into the building and breach through the door, and you should be in a stronghold when you're not supposed to be in this stronghold. Once you breach through and open up the door, all the doors that are normally locked will be unlocked, and at this point you have unlocked the actual stronghold without having a key or anything else, and it's very Now at this point, let's get some XP, so in order to get the XP, you want to open up the loot boxes, and if you see streaks, you want to activate the streaks right away because you get XP for activating streaks.

dmz weapon xp glitch

We want to make sure that you have the weapon out that you want XP for, and you guys will see cash. So basically, when you get started for the game, go ahead and find that stronghold, breach through it, and get your cash. Now there is another stronghold where you can kind of walk through; you don't need to breach; but this stronghold is really, really populated, and a lot of people just go to it, and you get killed a lot, so I don't recommend this one.

Once you guys go into the building, you're going to have a ton of good loot and a ton of score streaks that you can use to get XP. Like I said, pop these core streaks with the gun that you want XP for, so once you're done collecting the cash in the stronghold, when I head all the way over to the buy station, you want to look in the buy station and simply buy even more score streaks.

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You do not want to buy armor; you want to mainly buy score streaks because you get a whole lot less XP if you try armor plates. I don't know why other YouTubers say to buy armor; it's very bad. You want to buy as many UAVs as possible. And as many precision air strikes as possible; also, cluster mines are really good; but basically, buy as many of those then go right ahead, and if you have any money left, you mostly want to buy the armor plates.

mw2 new weapon xp glitch

You will get both XP for buying and using the streaks, which is why you mostly want to use streaks. So that's that part right there, and let's move on to the last part of this glitch slash exploit. So like I said, you want to combine all these together, and once you guys are done going through the first step where you guys glitch in the strongholds and get your money and score streaks, you can go around and complete save cracker contracts or Intel contracts, but if you guys If you see any locked strongholds, you guys can go right ahead and breach through them and get that loot so you guys can even more cash, but basically go through and get these contracts, use them, and then simply complete them.

mw2 warzone 2022 xp glitch

I recommend the safe cracker contracts because once you complete the safe cracker contract, you will get money that you can use to get even more score streaks to get even more XP. And now, just like with the other glitches, make sure you have the weapon out that you want XP for once you guys complete the contract, since you do get XP for completing the contract, and that's it if you guys spam these different methods.

Slash glitches, for your entire Warzone game, by the end of the game you should easily get over 100, 000 XP and just get so much XP for your weapon that you're going to rank up that weapon in one full game, but anyways, that's it. I hope you guys enjoyed it and have a great day or night.

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