News - New Top 5 Overpowered Guns Right Now Season 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

best class setups

I did aim walking steadiness, and then for the bottom slider. I did ads feed, so I got the best of both worlds, like this thibestfferbothsworldsd, and then aiming stability, just making the weapon accurate and quick at the same time for the tuning on the barrel. I did recoil and set this at an ad speed once agaisetttle bit of both, which is completely okay. The tuning on the muzzle I dedicated specifically to recoil control so we could, you know, torch that stock, that completely torched, and then finally, for the tuning on the underbarrel, added recoil stabilization and aiming idle stability so when we take this to the firing range, we got power recoil, control, and mobility, so first the sprint speed's great, the adsb is pretty fast, and then the recoil control is unbelievable, super easy to manage, and you could kind of leave some people at a good distance for , our fourth-class setup.

Best taq 56 class setup mw2

Best taq 56 class setup mw2

We have the attack 56, and, believe it or not, they left it alone. It's not nerfed, it's not buffed, and that means it's just as good as it was in season one. So here is my classic for the weapon: We have the six-drawn magazine on hand because it makes for some really sick clips when you have this large magazine clip as a dominant weapon.

I am very excited for my next attachment, the F-Tech Castle Comp; no surprise there. W,on't really need toComp,oversurprise. We've used it on all the other weapons I've used it on today. We have the FSS, Alifi, and LASE. makes this attacAlifi, ando much. better than it was before is that we get to tune the lasers, so wait till we get into that next.

best class setups mw2

For my third, what is this, the fourth attachment? Yeah, I'm a little ahead of myself. We got the TV Cardinal stock, which I love so much because it gives me walking speed. I can strike really fast, making it so much harder for the enemy to slant shots at me, and I get sprint speed. I'm able to be a little bit lighter on my feet, and then my final attachment feet are the demo clean shot grip, which furthers my mobility if I give me a sprint-to-mobility-need weapon that sprints up quicker after spinning and adds speed.

Now for the tunng, starti. With the mtuning, like I did with the rest of the other muzzles in this top five recoil kit, stabilization gun kit, and stabilization tuning on the laser. I actually didn't aim for walking steadiness or ads, so once again, just Best of Both Worlds, my weapon's going to be steady and manageable with the recoil, and I've still been very quick and snappy with the Eds speed for the tuning on the stock.

best weapons mw2

I did ADS speed and aim walking speed, so this is basically dedicated to making my weapon as quick as possible, and then the tuning on the rear grip is ADS speed. It's for the firing range once again, and I'm dedicating this thing to being as quick and snappy as possible, and the reason I did that is because my six-drone magazine really kind of knocks down my mobility, so we're going to need it if you take this to the firing range, and I mean, it's just like, are you serious?

Zero, zero recoil is super fast, and this makes it my favorite weapon in the game; it's unbelievably fast. I mean, I could just sit here and miss my sh*t there, but I mean, I could just sit here and be laser accurate all day and.

Best lachmann sub class setup mw2

Best lachmann sub class setup mw2

For my fifth and final class setup. I'm using what I believe is the new best SMG here in Modern Warfare 2, the Lockman sub-2, the MP5; after the Feni and 45 Nerf. I don't think anything comes even close to the Lockman sub-2 and the Lockmanthe setup that I love to use on it.

Starting off i have the 50-round drum, so I could take out multiple enemies without having to reload. I probably could have gotten away with the 40s, but man, the 50s just feel so good. For my under barrel. I have on my barrel-rc foregrip. I have a little throwback attachment from Warzone One: Modern Warfare One:2Modernd, this does such a good job of reducing The recoil and ouncrecoilhe Lan sub for my nLochmanached tonight is the Bruin cubic comp, which, sadly enough, can't really tell the difference between the Attat Castle comp and this one, and the lock shot, you really can't tell the difference.


So I like to run the Bruin; it just feels right. I guess I honestly don't even know what the difference is for my laser. My final attachment is the LM stockless mod, which is very similar to our MP7 setup. Just torches your coil control and accuracy, so that's where the under barrel and the muzzle come into play now for the tuning.

starting off with. Starting, I went ahead and did aim-walk steadiness and added speed, very similar to how we tuned the lasers with the previous setups, with the tuning on the muzzle. I went ahead and did recoil stabilization and gun kick control, very similar to how we tune the F-TAC Castle Comp on our other setups, but tuning on the lower barrel.

I went ahead and did hip walking speed because I don't really care for hip recoil. I don't really hitch at the hip; I'm able to just walk a little bit quicker, which is great; the quicker, the bottom slider; and then the speed brake, which you cannot tune or keep stock. We quickly take this gun to the firing range, and you're going to see what I mean.

cod mw2 best class

Zero recoil thanks to the muzzle and the barrel, and mobility is very good, although we have a larger magazine. I got a new best SMG. I'm popping up some gameplay sooner or later with the build, and then here's the rest of my class setup. I always use either the p890s or the x13s; I always have a stun weapon, the same perk package as always, and the same with the field upgrade.

You guys all stay safe, have a great day, and I'm at peace. Day,

Modern Warfare 2 - MW2 Best Class Setups Best Class Setups MW2! These are the NEW TOP 5 OVERPOWERED GUNS AFTER UPDATE in Modern Warfare 2! NEW TOP 5 OVERPOWERED GUNS RIGHT NOW in SEASON 2! Modern Warfare 2 Best Class Setups.
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