News - New Operator Skeletor Voice Lines - Mw2 & Warzone 2 Hunting Event

modern warfare 2

Affirmative ium The Almighty Skeletal needs a weapon almost out of shells. Ammo Depot is here, Ammo. Here, I'm in armor. Satchel here, assault rifle here. MGB can't keep a god, down cashier changing mags Check fire you blithering boob cluster mine destroyed cluster mine out coin here contact. Contact the contract phone number here.

copy that I spot him copy Transcendent Triumph will be ours copy vehicle Counter UAV, destroyed, deploying cover, deploying decoy, and deploying portable radar down to my last mag Drop Zone marked the fire-away, eerie-looking gate here eliminated their recon drone elimination. Target gets marked enemy airdrop here.

enemy air strike enemy air support APC is down enemy ATV down enemy bird down enemy camera destroyed enemy covers down enemy decoys down enemy dog tag here enemy down enemy down enemy drone destroy enemy field upgrade here enemy fighter here enemy gunturret, enemy gunship destroyed enemy Hilo destroyed the enemy here.

modern warfare 2 hunting event

Enemy infantry enemy jltv, destroyed enemy kill streak Enemy lethals enemy mortar team enemy personal watercraft is destroyed. Enemy Recons: active enemy Sentry down, enemy Special Forces enemy special mission unit enemy tack insert destroyed enemy tactical gear here enemy tactical shield, enemy tank is down, enemy tank is vanquished, enemy transport Hilo destroyed enemy trophies down enemy truck is down enemy UAV down enemy vehicle enemy vehicle, destroyed enemy vetal coming down excellent xfil Hilo marked the extraction balloon here.

Eyes on a boss, eyes on a fellow boss, fall back; it's going to blow. Forget that you found a buy station, found a field upgrade, found a gas mask, found a meager, found a hostage, found the pathetic, found a radio, found a self-revive, found a sniper rifle, found an airdrop kill streak, found some battle armor, found some lethals, found some loot, found some rockets, and found some tacticals.

Also read:

friendly air drop here friendly kill streak here friendly recon overhead friendly tactical mark Geer counter here Get the cargo to the LZ. Get to the LZ. Go give me that. Give me that ammo. Give Skeletor the key to glorious Victory is ours; fire the MGB; go somewhere; get a custom weapon here; get a pistol here; get a valuable here; get air support here.


I got an air strike here. I got Recon here. I got some cash and got the Rover, Grenade, and Grenade out. You, thanks, healer. I've been wounded in battle. He's half the hero I am. He-man's not the only hero here; Hostile wheels and neutralized, I am the Lord of. Destruction, I need a gas mask, I need a kill streak, I need air support, I need a launcher; I need midcals, rounds, and shotgun shells.

I see an enemy. I see an enemy stronghold. I shall unmake you all with the thought that I vanquish this foe. I will drive. I'll fly this thing, I'll protect you, and I'll rip your friends souls from their bodies. I'll take the battle armor. I'll take the key card. I'm almost out of ammo. I'm attacking here; I'm death itself, and I've come for you.

Also read:

I'm defending myself here. I'm not finished yet; I'm reloading. I'm running low. I'm taking fire. I'm watching here. It's off to Subia. For you, it's over. When I say it's over, I've been bested. I need a healer. I've been bested. I need a medic. I've defeated the Juggernaut. I've got your back.

mw2 hunting event

Join me, and together we can rule Eternia. Kill streak marked kneel before me, then die large caliber here last mag, Launcher here Let me lead; let my magic heal you; let us form an alliance and destroy He-Man. Let us form an unholy alliance. Together, LMG marked LMG rounds here, Loading AP rounds load out, drop inbound, Load out marked Look high for looted cash here.

Lord Skeletor needs your help. Ly marked Let no one stand in our way, marked an SMG. Marked our extract point, marked our field upgrade, marked contra-tracked Marksman rifle here, medic I've been wounded in battle melee weapons, and mortar support is incoming. Moving here, multiple adversaries, multiple targets, and multiple threats must be taken.

mw2 nightmare

Refuge, my face is the last thing you'll ever see about my location. I need a field upgrade. Need battle armor, need large cow rounds, need large caliber rounds, need lethals, need midcal rounds, need pistol rounds, need rockets, need some cash, need tacticals, never forget it was I who saved you, never forget it was Skeletor who saved you next time I'll kill you for that, no now.

I have the power. Objective secure, on me on your six, out there, pick me up play time's over plundering, here Rally point set: Recon drone is active; Recon is online, reloading, and requesting a counter UAV riot shield here. Roger that Roger that I see him Roger sees you on LZ Rock in Subia. RPG running out of pistol rounds save me that weapon sentry gun deployed shotgun here shotgun shells show them the might of snake mountain, silence, small cow rounds.

mw2 skeletor

sniper, here snipers, dead snipers got be sighted, someone's rans sacked this area statue here summoning smoke wall sunk their boat suppression mine out switching mags tack cam set tack insert out taking effective fire Target area marked, you're cleared, hot targets here that were far too close, that's one of ours, that's our lethal equipment, the Gunner, it's mine, their PO is no match for me, their suppression mines down there's a body here, there's a hardened fighter, there's a vehicle, they were no match for me, they'll have to do better than that, this one's been bested, to the east to the north to the Northeast, to the Northwest, to the South to the southeast, to the South Southwest, to the west took out their ammo box, took out their armor box, took out their armored boat, took out their bike, took your best shot and failed trophy systems up vanquished their Recon drone, visuals on targets, watch for movement.

Wilson, deployed Yes, this will do. yes, let's take it. You are no champion. You bore me. You did good. You have the makings of a champion. You are saved by the mighty Skeletor. Your power's no match for me. Your rightful place is by my side. Your soul belongs to me. You're a fool. You're an embarrassment.

Also read:

You're worthy to fight by my side. You've earned Skeletor. Respect activating Doos. Advanced infantry here; adversary eliminated

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