News - New" Hrm-9 Smg Is Meta After The Update. Warzone 2 Warzone

best hrm 9 class

You, all right boys, welcome back to a brand new article. So today, guys, we have the new HR M9 build for you boys. Today is an absolutely frying rebirth. It's one of the best SMGs in the game right now because of the recent Nerfs. I will have a lot more articles coming out soon. I will not be posting next week, or maybe the week after, because I'm getting some new internet installed.



Let's get these du boys hopefully, anyway, alive. Let's land let's go farms andad them in, station, he wants to go there, we'll follow him, and see if he knows what he's doing, out a little bit, got mess about one midun fight. There goes the game boys little third place. As you can see from the gun, you can get your shots on it, and the movement build I have for it.

Class setup

Class setup

I wouldn't really recommend since it's a bit hit and miss with the recoil, but this one absolutely insane boys make sure you get using it I might make a few tweaks to it the more use new attachments on it but this is just what I whipped together and it was doing amazing for me and I just couldn't put it I couldn't even swap it for the Swarm so good but yeah boys hope you guys did enjoy and I'll move you on to the class setup , and yeah boys all right boys so this is the class setup that I was using in the game we have the princeps long barrel for that extra bullet velocity and range the aiming Idol s and the firing aim stability, the Sonic suppressor s for the undetectable on radar bullet velocity and damage range If you don't mind if you don't all the cons that I get, then you can go ahead and put on the shadow strik to press a s, or if you don't care about being seen on the radar, you can go ahead and put on the.

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