News - New "best" Striker Loadout Warzone 3. Best Striker Class Setup - Warzone 2

best striker build

I dropped 33. Kills on Fortune's keep using this insane movement Striker build, so I'm going to break down every single attachment that you need to be running on your Striker to give this gun the best mobility in War Zone 3, so jumping straight into the first attachment for the Meta Striker build, we do want to start with the stubby barrel, which is going to increase our mobility and handling.

As you can see, we get a 4% increase to our movement speed, 9% to the aim-down sight speed, and a 10% decrease to the sprint of fire time, which is going to make this build extremely quick. Since this gun does have a very clean iron sight, we don't need to throw an optic onto the build, so instead we do want to throw on the no stock attachment, which is the best attachment in all of War Zone 3, for mobility and handling another massive increase to every single mobility stat, along with 13% of the aim down sight speed and 177% of the sprint of fire time, which is going to make this build the fastest gun in the entire game, allowing us to make some insanely nice movement plays.

best striker class setup

I would definitely check out SPMM. They are a 100% safe gaming VPN that almost completely negates skill-based matchmaking. Next up we do want to throw a magazine onto the build and we're going to run the 48 round mag and since this gun does have a slower fire rate you almost never have to worry about reloading in the middle of a fight now for the fourth attachment we do want something to keep our Mobility High while also giving us a boost to our recoil controls so with that being said we're going to use the MSP 98 handstop, and it does exactly that gives us a 6% increase to our movement speed along with 6% to The Recoil gun kick and 7% % to the vertical recoil, one of my absolute favorite attachments to run on SMG builds and I just want to show you guys in the firing range real quick how fast the strafe speed on this weapon is so make sure when you are using it you are strafing left and right because that is what makes this build absolutely, broken.

Now for the fifth and final attachment. If you have watched my articles before, you probably already know what we're going to be using. We do want to throw a muzzle on, and the one we want to use is the Zone 35 compensated flash hter, which is in my opinion the best muzzle in all of War Zone 3 right now.

best striker class setup mw3

It gives us a 5% decrease in the horizontal recoil and 15% in the vertical recoil, while only increasing our aim-down sight speed by 4%. Making any build that you put this on extremely easy to use while still being very quick, here's the full meta Striker build for War Zone 3 season 2, the fastest SMG in the entire game right now, and using this build.

I dropped a crazy 33 kill game on Fortune's Keep, so without further ado, let's get into

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