News - New "best" Striker 9 After Update Warzone 3. Best Striker 9 Class Setup - Warzone 2
The striker 9 is now the best SMG in War Zone 3 after the update so I'm going to break down every single attachment that you guys need to be running to make the striker 9 one of the most broken guns in the entire game so jumping straight into the first attachment for The Meta Striker 9 build in season 3 Reloaded we do want to start with the striker Factory stock which is going to give us a huge increase to our overall Mobility, as you can see it is going to increase every single Mobility stat making this thing insanely, quick and as you will see in the gameplay this is going to allow us to make some very nice movement plays, next up we do want to throw on something to increase our recoil control so with that being said we do want to throw on the S ZX.
Making pretty much any gun that you put this on have very little visual recoil while still maintaining a very fast down sight speed Here's the full-met Striker 9 build for War Zone 3 season 3 Reloaded, now the best SMG in the entire game, and using this build.