News - New" 2 Shot Taq 56 Class Is Insane Warzone 2. Best Class Setup Cod Warzone 2 Meta

It doesn't take away much whatsoever; you could throw this attachment on and you'll probably not even notice it. Let's be honest, now the tuning on this one is going to be ad up for sure at somewhere around 2.0; somewhere around there should be pretty nice, and aiming for idle stability, you could connect that first shot at around 1.40.

Somewhere around there should be pretty nice as well if you could hit it on that; if not, don't worry about it. Now, if you don't want to run the TVX or Line Pro, then I recommend going into the laser, and what you want to run for the laser is actually one you guys already know—it's the old laser.


This gives you sprint to fire, it gives you ads, and it gives you aiming for idle stability or aiming stability, not idle stability. my bad So this is just when you're aiming on sights; your gun's a lot more stable, kind of like recoil control, but not too much like recoil control, but either way, a really good attachment to throw onto the weapon is what I would recommend.

On this attachment, right here is if you're tuning it, go ahead and tune, ads. Sprint the Fire, all that kind of stuff, don't focus on any recoil, don't focus on anything like that, just focus on making it fast. That's what that laser is for. There's barely any cons on it, like the con is just the fact that the laser is visible, so you're not going to lose any recoil control with this, so just focus on anything that gives you ads, and you should be set to go now.

modern warfare 2

The final attachment on this one is going to be the demo clean shot grip for the rear grip, and this one here gives you Sprint to fire speed ads speed and takes away again a little bit of recoil control, but the good thing about this attachment right here is that when you go into the tuning, you can actually put that recoil setting this up rather than ads, and where I would recommend throwing this is pretty much just maxing it out all the way to the top, and then you can put Sprint to fire up just to get that Sprint to fire up pretty nicely as well, and again, just max this one out, so put the recoil setting this at about 1.0.

And put the Sprint to fire at around 0:45, and that's going to be set right there, and then if you go into the firing range, you could already test this class; it already has barely any recoil whatsoever, even if we're running the stock that gives us ads and all that kind of stuff, so you could go for those long-range shots and hit every single shot and not have to worry whatsoever about it.


This is a good class here; it is on screen if you guys want to see it. We got the RF Crown 50 for the muzzle, we got the 12in TX Shore Barrel, we got the TV xline Pro Stock, the demo clean shot grip for the rear grip, and the 5.56. Over pressure plus P, this class is really, really good, but might not be the fastest.

ABS AR in the game, but it is definitely the most powerful AR if you guys are using it properly. Now, I wouldn't recommend running around the map like a hellish chicken with this class, but it's definitely a class where you don't have to sit back and camp or anything like that. You could actually push with this and do pretty well.

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this one of my favorite classes in the game I always mess around with the tag 56, and this one I just like the way it comes out.

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