News - Never Run Out Of Legendary Aether Tools Again Warzone 2 Zombies


So I've been noticing some comments from people who are still having some trouble keeping a nice built-up stash of legendary ether tools. Well. I want to go over today all the methods that I use to keep myself a nice built-up stash of these things, and depending on how much you play, if you follow these steps here, you could potentially be coming in here with a legendary ether for almost every single game.

I truly do appreciate everybody who stops by the article today. We just hit 11, 000. If you're still having some troubles or just need some tips and tricks on how to defeat this thing. I'm going to have a article down in the description if you guys want to go check that out, but once you obtain the schematic from the red worm, it's going to let you craft a legendary ether tool every 24.

Hours now, while that cooldown timer is still pretty long, it's definitely not one of the longest timers in the game, and that means you can still craft one of these things every single day, and if I were you for a while you're trying to build these things up, you can just keep building them up in your stash.


There shouldn't ever be a time that you're not waiting for a cooldown, a timer, like if you can craft one of these things, go ahead and do it and trade it out for something else in your stash that is less worthy now. I would say once you get to about five or six of these things built up in your stash, you should be good to go, and I'm sure, as most of you know, there's a bunch of other ways that you guys can be finding these things, which we're going to go over here in just a second.

Crafting these things will be your main form of farming, so be sure to get those schematics from the red worm. If you end up doing the fight and you get a schematic that you already have, be sure to drop it off for somebody else who's doing the fight with you. They might be willing to drop you the legendary ether tool schematic that you need.

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The next way that you guys can find these things is going to be in those ether crates that you can find all over the map. Now in the higher-tier zones, there's going to be a better chance for you to find them, but this is an RNG game mode where absolutely. Anything is possible. You can find flawless crystals and legendary ether tools in the first zone.


I know this is possible because I've done it several times, but you will have a higher chance of finding these things in the higher tiers that you go, and I don't know why, but it seems like after season 2, the loot that we've been getting in tier 2 seems to be extremely hit or miss, but I have been finding quite a few legendary ether tools out here for some reason.

One big tip that I can give you guys is that I think that depth perception is one of the most underrated perks ever. You can see those ether crates directly through the walls, so you can just be running through the map, constantly farming these things and getting all those crates that everybody else is missing.

The next way you guys can have a pretty good chance of finding these things is by farming a bunch of contracts in the red-tier zone and in the dark ether. If you guys need help on either one of these, I'll have articles down in the description that you guys can go check out. As of lately, the Mega Abominations seem to be dropping a lot of ether tools and crystals of all kinds, so I would definitely say it's a really good time to be farming up those Mega Abominations.


They seem to be dropping really good loot lately, and one of the final ways that we know of that has a very good chance of dropping one of these things is by killing those harvesting orbs that you see floating around in the sky, especially if you find those things in the red tier zone. Those have a really high chance of having legendary ether tools in them, the same thing as the ones that you can find in the dark ether.

You guys want to know all the exact locations where these things are going to be spawning, not only for the main map but also for the one that's in the dark ether. I'm going to be putting maps up on the screen right here, and that's honestly going to be about it, guys. There's not really much to it; I don't do any duplication or glitches with these things; I just farm them up the regular way and craft up a bunch of them, and usually.


I make about two or three runs in Modern Warfare Zombies a day, nine times out of 10. If anybody is new, have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will catch you in the next

Today we look at all the ways to be farming up the legendary aether tools here in modern warfare zombies. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost. Membership Link.
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