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People are really enjoying dmz (bad for solo players though)

People are really enjoying dmz (bad for solo players though)

Scene with Makarov and the ultra-nationalists hijacking a plane for the sequel to No Russian The last thing I want to mention is just regarding my general thoughts on DM's say it seems like the community is enjoying it a lot more than they thought they would from the DMZ reveal, which was very poor because a bunch of influencers just played a couple games and they didn't really give a proper explanation of how the mode works, and people seem to be enjoying it a lot especially because their expectations were so low with that being said it seems like the mode only plays well if you have a full team and you are playing with friends if you are just playing with randoms, or on solo the mode is a complete hell hole and is extremely difficult the mode in general is quite difficult just because the.

AI kills you so fast, and they have ridiculous aim.

I think dmz would be much better with zombies (normal soldiers are boring)

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I would love to see the DMZ, but with zombies; hopefully, that is something we could see within the future, maybe within next year's Halloween events or as year two content updates, this would essentially be a different iteration of an outbreak.

I just find that the normal enemy, AI, is quite boring, and I want to see something that's more fantasy or scientific. I also just don't like getting shots; I don't think anyone does, and it would just be a lot more fun seeing a mode like this where you are being had, constantly, and if they had it with zombies, it would be just as fun if not more fun because it would have a lot more lore on the side quests, which would be a lot more interesting like the ones we saw in outbreak, and they could increase the amount of teams that are on the map at a time that you can also run into overall. I think it would be a much more fun experience.

Not enough grind in dmz, needs a lot of improvements, easier a.i., trading, + more

Not enough grind in dmz, needs a lot of improvements, easier a.i., trading, + more

The big issue with DMZ, though, is that there isn't really much grinding to it, as it's just basically an XP farm, which is good for those who want to grind XP, but you can also get the M13B, and it's a way so that you can bypass weapons so you can unlock them easier if you successfully battle with them.

Of course, the mode is apparently in beta, although that doesn't really mean much since it's released worldwide and it isn't available for a limited time, but hopefully this mode does get updated a lot through its post-launch. Seasons, that'll improve the mode a lot just like outbreak. But yeah, this mode is nothing like Escape from Tarkov; it's a lot more casual, but it does need a lot more grinding for this to have longevity.

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Because while it's fun for people to play right now, it's still in that fresh stage, and people will get bored of it sooner rather than later. They definitely need to change the mode as well, so it's more adjusted for solo play as well as playing with randoms. I know there is a "looking for friends" system now, but still, I just want to hop in this solo without playing with randoms, and I wish I could do that with it being so tough anyways.

Eklipse makes AI-generated highlights from your streams with support coming soon.
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