News - Modern Warfare Ii & Warzone 2 Are Dying. Activision Need To Listen. Modern Warfare 2

Raven Studios have already come in, they've addressed that, and they've actually lowered the AI down again so you don't get a headshot from 400 meters away from somebody crouching with an SMG, just one shot and shots here, you know, so at least Raven Studios have actually come in; they've taken the mantle off of Infinity War; they were just straight up garbage now, and how many years can a development team live on previous successes?

The last decent game Infinity War made was Modern Warfare 3. Honestly, do you agree with that? It was that long ago, you know. Infinity War back in the day used to be my favorite developer, believe it or not. Modern Warfare 2 is also my favorite game. Again, the user interface in this game is the worst I have ever seen in any article game.

modern warfare 2 rant

The UI is supposed to be simple and make the navigation process as easy as possible, but it does the complete opposite in this game. I've already said Warzone 2.0 is too slow for my liking, but again, that's subjective, and according to the player numbers, it's going down. There are other Twitch streamers, YouTube streamers, and YouTube content creators who are all complaining about the views dropping for Warzone, and obviously, they've got nowhere else to go.

Funnily enough, Apex is actually the one with the most view sorry with the most concurrent players at the moment from a battle royale point of view that we can actually see the stats on. I'm assuming Fortnite's got more than that, but anyways, that's what we can actually see, and you know Apex is the biggest; you know again, kill streak score streaks are pretty much useless these days.

modern warfare 2 sbmm

That's what we used to enjoy; that was the kind of view, from a certain perspective, that was the kind of thing that kept you playing; you knew that you knew. Obviously, skill-based matchmaking wasn't a thing back then, even though they say it was, but it wasn't because my gameplay had very massive variety, like one game I'd do absolutely terrible, then the next game I'd be, you know, pub stomping and getting 100 kills in an iv9 ground war, but then the game after I'd be like mid-to-low on the leaderboard on my team, so, you know, you got variety years ago, but now in the matches, it's just a constant grind to get 1K again.

Gunsmith in Modern Warfare 2019 was a great addition, but it's gotten to the point now where there are that many different attachments on Gunsmith, and the weather is just too complicated. When you use a certain weapon, you will knock off all the attachments for that weapon while you're using it. You unlock a weapon when you get to, like, level 50 or something like that.

modern warfare 2 sucks

Okay, that's fine; we understand that. But now that you've got to unlock a weapon before you can unlock another weapon, you've got to unlock the attachments by leveling up a separate weapon for the attachments on a totally different weapon. You know, talk about ridiculous. I'm trying not to swear because YouTube doesn't like it.

You know when the f-bombs get dropped. But that is the most stupid, absolutely stupid, decision any developer has ever made in the history of article games. I'm not even joking; imagine that you're using an AK-47 and you've got to use that weapon to unlock attachments I don't know about. Absolutely, brain dead straight up, brain dead, but the problem is in today's developer society of "wokeness" that even if somebody makes a bad decision and they should be told that they're full of shite, that's not going in the game.

We live in a society where it's like, Great idea. Well done robert, great idea Just let Robert go with it; we don't want to upset him. He thinks he's had a great idea; let's just let him do it. No, he needs somebody to say, "Robert, your shit is your shit." "Get fired." "Shit off." That's what should be said to Robert.


Shit off, you're fired on the door. Grab Swan now, so that's screwed, but honestly, you know, just clueless developers who don't play the game; they've got no interest in Call of Duty or even gaming in general; all they're good at is milking money from people, and ultimately, that's why the game is suffering.

The majority of people are just buying the game so they can level up weapons to use in any more zones; that's why let's have real chat, but again, people stop playing the game. I don't know, 200 likes. I'll do another article once this one is done. I don't know. I don't know. I don't think that's all right.

I love you all! Have a great weekend! Bye-bye.

Modern Warfare 2 views and player count are down. Activision need to make changes before Modern Warfare II loses even more players. Warzone 2 is another issue with MW2, as even players on Warzone are leaving and playing other games. Call of Duty is in trouble.
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