News - Lucky Chamu Reveals Cheats Warzone 2. 100% Confirmed

are streamers cheaters

Jesus has two babies wanting to tell you that I have gotten confirmation that Lucky Shamu uses wall hacks. I have been sent footage of Lucky Shamu being watched by a wall hacker, and we're going to analyze that footage today, so let's crack on with the article. Just for confirmation that this footage is actually somebody watching, the real Lucky Shamu This is a article from Lucky Shamu's twitch channel that he's uploaded, and it stays here when he's on a kill street with Loki Shamu, hashtag 8807-9277, a tried-on COD tracker first boss who's got that set to private.

I wonder why this footage has no audio, unfortunately, but we are watching Lucky Shamu. I say we—the person who sent me this footage—are watching Lucky Shamu. You can see the wall hacks on display here. Pay attention to where player names are; we're going to watch it for faces, and then I'm going to stop certain moments where I feel that are suspicious, well, blatant, like eyeballing enemies through walls that he shouldn't see.

It's not the best quality; I think it's about 720p, but, you know, you get what you're given. Okay, so a lot of you guys always ask me to shove it all the way through and then break it down afterwards. That's what we've done, and you've seen the full footage; there's not much, but there are definitely some things within this that I want to point out, so let's go through it now first.

badboy beaman

Of all, I want to talk about how, when a streamer runs into a room, they always seem to be looking at walls, like they will look at a wall, and there's another apparent reason behind it. Okay, it makes no sense. So there was a moment then where he looked through the wall, in my opinion, not too much, but directions of enemies are key right when you're using wall hacks to understand the direction of an enemy, maybe have a little peek at the distance of that enemy then, you know what time you've got to get to a location or to make a rotation, and things like that.

So right now he's locked over to the left, and all these red names mean that the players are not visible; they're all in cover, which means he can't shoot at them or visually see them in the game, but we can see them because of the wall hacks. Okay, so he's locked in that direction there. Then he has a little peek over to the left, but again, remember, he's not checking the line of sight.


His crosshair when he looked left was on the rocks. His crosshair when he was looking directly ahead from the window was on this wall here; on this one. I just pointed the screen when we thought, "Yeah, like you could see me anyway." There are moments like this throughout, but these are only very small moments.

Okay, but think about the rotation he's making now. Think about the fact that there's been no UAV activity. The only ping that we can see on the Minima is his own, from a building next to him where he's just moved from. Okay again, looking through the walls there in this room, he peeks out this way, and his crosshair think about how these streamers always talk about their censoring and how they need to make sure that it's centered so that they can pinpoint accurately track an enemy on their chest love at all so head or whatever they're using at the time, so where's that like, what's he looking at now?

lucky chamu

He was looking at a wall; his crosshair was placed on a wall, and the text on this says that this is where things get interesting. Zero Ping On the minimap before that. I want to just pull it back because you have to remember he's just being outside here and there is text covered in that window. So is that a sniper's glint from that window at this point?

Can we see a sniper's glint there? I'm going to zoom in on it. I personally don't think that is, but the wall hack text is covered in that window, so that has to be a possibility. But as he pushes out, he's trying to line his shot up through the door. Where is he aiming at now, so I'm actually going to save him?

Save It is a sniper Glen thing, based on what I can see; there seems to be like a white shine between the text and the aim lock to the guy in the window. A little frustrated? It's the text that's popping up here, but personally, I would say that looked like a snapping, slow-motion bang. Two players there, one open, one down, and he did literally pop shots off directly when that guy who was at the top walked past his cross here, so is this just lucky Shamu taking a couple of shots, or is he running wall hacks and he could see that guy through the trick?

lucky chamu 100 proof

Is he running aimlessly, and his aim has snapped to that guy in the window because of that? Of the way he's looking through walls, he's not looking through walls where there are no enemies; he's looking through the wall, and you can see him looking at playing aims or where the player names are, and then turning to another wall and looking in the direction of another team.

How could he know they're there without any mini-map knowledge, and when the doors and windows are closed, it makes no sense that he's had no prior engagements with teams in those directions? He's still looking through the walls at them to then go and pre-aim through Retreat and then take shots as the player's skeleton that we can see walks past this crosshair and the other guy in the window.

lucky chamu admits to cheating

It looked like an Aimbot snack of 100. So, this is one of my favorites. You actually get two instances of Lucky Shamu pre-aiming, two separate enemies where he has no mini-math knowledge and no call-outs from his teammates at all, and we can tell that by the fact that his teammates are nowhere to be seen in this location on the map right now, so let's have a look at this now.

We'll pull it right back, so he's just pre-aimed the guy through the tree, and he jumps down and pre-aims there, and then he decides to go left. So the first pre-aim had no knowledge of that enemy being there at all; he only had knowledge of him being there based on if he knew he was there through the tree right, which means confirmation, of wall hacks, and Nelly decides to switch it up to the guy on the left over here, but the best part of this before he shoots him here is as he decides to switch.

He falls and, as he falls, has A look at his crosshair placement shows it is right on the enemy through that wall; if that is confirmation of a wall hack, then I don't know what this means. It looks to me like Lucky Shamu is running dead party software, which allows him to see enemies through walls for me.

I'm looking forward to reading through them.

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