News - Infinity Ward Accidentally Made Warzone 2 Better

infinity ward

Yes, you're seeing this correctly. No hit markers, no mini map, no extra gizmos and gadgets all over the screen—just my vision and intuition moving, with the last circle in war zone two. So you're probably wondering how I do this. Well, let's rewind a bit here, and I'll explain. I'm going to be honest here; I'm absolutely horrible at Battle Royales.

Just in general. I don't have the reaction speed. I don't have the tracking with my mouse, and I've got eyes that have been used for about 32 or so years now, so they're not in their Prime suits for sure, but in their Warzone 2 suits. I'm a little bit better. I know there's a big argument out there about the speed of the game and if it's boring or if it just caters to casuals, and yada yada, but let me tell you which side I'm on here: I don't care.

I play games to have fun. I'm not here to argue with you all. You can do that if you want and just live life with a bad attitude, but I just play games that are fun. I give some feedback, and I sprinkle some dad humor in here and there. If the game isn't fun for me, I'm not going to play it because life is too short to play games I don't like.


Anyway, a bit off topic there, but regardless, for me, the game flows a lot better for my style of play. I'm into more tactical games, with their slower-paced movements and shorter time to kill the positioning advantages. These types of things are what I utilize to compensate for my lack of reaction time and movement breaking capabilities, so my mindset switched from a couple years ago of "I'm never going to be able to play another Call of Duty again" to "It's now my goal to get a win in War Zone 2." So here I am, and what's crazier is that Activision was so kind with this one.

I had already chosen my title; I didn't tell them what I was going to call it, but somehow they knew that the title, as you can see, is playing war zone the way the devs intended because my plan was to showcase the slower-paced nature of the game and just play the way that I feel comfortable. I was going to move around a bit like a rat and do my best to destroy the enemy with my rat skills, but I didn't realize Activision was one step ahead of me and would go full milsim; here for me.

warzone 2

I ended up getting wrecked. This shouldn't kill me, right? And then it had all the experience pop up on the screen for me, which I thought was very weird because since the game is 2v2. I thought if your teammate wins, you can escape the gulag even if you're dead. Well, I found out he won, and well, I apparently dropped back in.

What's strange is I had to hit "spectate," so I assume this bug is just because the game thinks I'm spectating myself, but either way. I dropped back in with no HUD. Not only that. Activision also dropped me in with another little present, that one okay that works out, "Hang on, hang on, hang on, let me get inside here," that isn't fair, and I have no HUD.

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All right, I guess we'll try to play this out, so now I'm playing hardcore mode. Am I going to win this no HUD if I win this no HUD? I don't really have another thing; I have one window that I can leave that won't make a lot of noise at all. I'm still in the safe zone, okay? It depends; if it ends right here, I'm actually very good.

Though here I am as the gas is closing in, all I've got are my eyes and my ears to guide me. I've got to find a way to get there fast, Foreign. Give me some ammunition at least; I'm running low on ammunition. I'm panicking, and my heart is racing because I rarely ever make it this far; I'm getting shot at, and I've got to find a way to progress toward that end circle without making too much noise or catching the eyes of another player.

It turns out that, though it looks like we were the only two left, I was so close to victory, but I'll get you some time, and it will be under more fair circumstances. If you didn't dislike it, I really hope you enjoyed it. Until the next one, be bold, be courageous, and stay tactical,

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During a game of Warzone 2 solos, I somehow managed to get a slight bug that removed my entire HUD. Bring on the tactical gaming.
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