News - How To Have Perfect Lock-on Aim Warzone 2. Tips To Improve Your Aim Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay

I was able to snap on the target right there if I did this instead, and then I looked like I could have been shot at. A good one too is like you could jump over here and see if someone's coming in the center try, not to imagine I have auto-mantle on, but let's say you go to the guy there and you see he's right there, you go just pop out and start shooting at him.


Another thing you're going to want to focus on is not doing jump shots, because jumping in this game actually gives you a disadvantage. you ads slower your sprint to fire slower. I have no extra fancy buttons. I have nothing to actually help me with these. Drop shots or anything, I'm doing it playing with a basic controller, not even playing claws.

Now the last important thing, or at least one of the most important things that people talk about, and I'm going to talk about the private match in a second here, but one thing that people don't talk about enough is the actual recoil pattern of weapons. So you want to take a weapon, and now we're going to actually go and change my load out here quickly because I want to show you guys what you want to be looking for.


We're going to take off every single attachment and let the bots kill me. It's all good. We actually want to die here, so I'll hold my grenade unless it can kill me faster. Suicide, bomb bang. I got no one with me, okay, so yeah, you want a base gun, okay, you don't want any attachments, and on it, you want to go and just kind of see what the recoil pattern is.

Go to an empty wall like this and start shooting and don't hold the right stick at all and kind of get a feel for that recoil so this one goes up it's very vertical and then after shots it goes crazy to the side it goes horizontally crazy so if you shoot out the enemies you should know that after a few shots you're gonna have to adjust it so, that you can start shooting a little and start aiming with your sick a little more to the left because it's gonna start going up to the right you're going to want to control that.

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Right here is where you should know like you should be working, so let's see if it's the same pattern all the time at close range. When you're trying to control vertically, you just pull down, and pretty much that's it right there, as you guys can see; it's very easy to control. Is the one that's a little bit harder to control when you get into gunfights because that's where your gun's going to start going like this in the middle of a gunfight.

how to

So what you want to do for these attachments, at least for a weapon like this, the iso hemlock, is give it recoil and control, but it's something that gives horizontal recoil and control as well as recoil stabilization to kind of keep it centered. So yeah, the last thing you want to do is get into a private match and put the bots on 250 health, not 300.

They don't need to be that high; put them on 250 health, throw them on recruits, and just go off on them. Just have fun with them. You can always put the radar on, and what you want to do when you're actually going off on them is don't just start shooting at them and looking at the minimap and seeing where they're at; use the minimap map to look at and see where they're at, but pretend you don't know they're there, and practice what I told you to do, your little peak shots.

how to aim better

See where they're coming from, center your shots like that, and then right here, let's say instead of just running straight out here, center your shots and start practicing. You want to center it, see if someone's there, pop up here to peek at it and stuff, and it's just going to help you out so much.

Those are all things I just do naturally when playing to figure stuff out; like, normal people would probably just run through here and not even think of it, and then they'd come here and start turning and stuff and probably die instead. Stay behind the cover pop-up, see if someone's there, and then you can move forward, and then always make sure that you're centering those shots.

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Do the little peek and then go like that right there, so yeah, just run around the center, shoot the bots, run around again, and center those shots. Shoot the boss and do what you've got to do. Maybe there's someone in the window. Bang, bang you got him right there, right here. This is a high-traffic area; you can see there's already a bot there, so you're going to go like that, and then you can even do a little drop shot in the corner like this and.

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Then start shooting at someone, or if you want to be really hard to see, go up here if you know that there are no enemies here or there, and then you can go like that and start shooting them as they come through. This game has a weird skill-based matchmaking system, so you're going to want to use these to actually help you out.

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