News - How To Get Epic Aether Tool, Refined Aetherium Crystal, And Elemental Pop Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Zombie

I'm going to go ahead and do that. And then something else that I want to go ahead and tell you guys that you're going to see me do after this is at any point in the game if you can upgrade your gamep play by like getting to Pack-A-Punch 3 or getting another perk or something along those lines, don't be afraid to take breaks and do that to make this as enjoyable as possible you don't want this to be a real negative experience whenever you're going for all these schematics, cuz it can be frustrating when the RNG is not working in your favor and the last thing you want to do is just be mad whenever you guys are playing a game, so we're just going to continue to do this here you can see this specific location is definitely a lot easier to do than where we were in that like middle.

It seems like the middle-city area is one of the hardest places to survive; we're already at 75%, and we're kind of just jumping around and going everywhere in the area. We'll do our best to avoid that deciple because he can absolutely ruin our day. I know that there is a zip line here, so I'm just going to hop out the window, get back in this area, get back up, and kind of have a little bit of a better reposition here, and we should be able to complete this fairly quickly.

And like I've been saying, guys. I did have a article where I went over all the top five contracts in the game that you can do to unlock schematics, and this Outlast contract here is definitely one of the best. So that's an interesting glitch that I've never had before. We're going to stay out of the area.

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Yeah, this is just stuck on my screen right now. I don't know what caused that. So we're going to run over here. I'm going to throw a decoy Grenade on the ground to get the zombies away from me, and then we're going to look inside of this area, and thankfully that got off my screen right there. That one's crazy.

I've never seen that before. We didn't really get anything good there, but that's okay. We're going to go ahead and move on to the next contract. So the very next contract is going to be the Bounty contract, and just one quick tip I want to give you guys that I'm going to recommend doing is going to a tier three buy and just buying a juggernut it's going to make your life a lot easier so any tier three buy you can go to you got to have 10, 000 Essence Buy yourself a juggernaut just because it's going to make taking down big game bounties extremely easy, and just like that guys, we're going to throw our juggernaut down on the ground and we're just going to wait for it to come in, and then we're going to utilize this juggernaut to take out all the zombies around us.

And then take out the mega Abomination as well, so obviously the main goal is to take out this big game Bounty, so we want to prioritize shooting him, but if it makes our lives easier to also shoot the other zombies in the area, we're going to want to do that too, so right there we're being swarm, we'll take them guys out, and then back to focusing on this mega.

Abomination, so we almost have him done, and then boom, guys, just like that, you see how easy it is to complete this contract whenever you have a juggernaut. That's why I absolutely recommend using this. I haven't got to check my reward yet; there was a legendary tool on the ground there, which is awesome, but let's go ahead.

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I'm going to go ahead and use my ether.

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