News - Game-breaking. Infinite Frags. Unlimited Thermites. Infinite Smokes. Warzone 2 Season 2 Glitch

b man

Today, we've got a game-breakingly awesome one for you guys. As you see right here, we have infinite smoke grenades, but guys, it's not just smoke grenades; this is infinite lethal. I'm talking frag grenades. I'm talking thermites; I'm talking infinite shock grenades and all sorts of stuff, guys.

Anything that has a skin from any bundle in the store, you can now get infinites of it, and that is, absolutely, gamebreaking. In this article, I'm going to show you what bundles you can purchase to be able to get access to this skin stuff and all sorts of stuff, but I'm just showing you here how game-breaking this is.

You can just generate these tacticals and lethals out of nowhere, and you can just spam them out, so smoke for cover, and even this is going to absolutely break the game until they I don't know they're going to have to hot fix get rid of this, but as you see here, all you need to do is have a least lethal, find another lethal on the ground, swap it out, then swap it back up, and you can just stow your lethal.


If you're doing this with a lethal, you just find another lethal, pick the other lethal up, and then you pick your original lethal back up, and you can just stow it infinitely, guys, generating unlimited ones, as you see right here. This works for the thermite, and this bundle is installed right now, and as you can see right here, it also works for the fragment grenades.

So again, all you need to do is have the frag grenade, or the thermite, of the skinned variant, and then you just pick up any other lethal off the ground. Then you pick up your fragment grenade again, open your inventory, and you can just stow it into your backpack, and you can just generate them and generate them and generate them.


Guys, this is absolutely game-breaking. So let's go over what things you can do to get those bundles okay, because there's a few of them now. For the smoke grenade, you're not going to be able to obtain the smoke grenades and do this with the smoke grenades anymore. This one is from a past Modern Warfare 2 black cell, so you will no longer be able to obtain this one, but you will be able to obtain the other ones because they're from Paid bundles this is the only one you will not be able to do so you will if you do not already own the black cell bundle from Modern Warfare 2's black cell that had this one then you will not be able to do this, but if you do then you can do that all you do is you go along you have this equipped, and whenever you find any other tactical along on the map you swap out you pick that tactical up so you have your smoke grenade equipped you swap it for another tactical that's on the ground, and then you just swap it back and just pick up your smoke grenade again then you can open your inventory and you can just Stow them infinitely, now this will also work for the shock grenades from the thunder dragon pack so if you buy the current 3, 000 Cod Point bundle you can have.


Infinite fragr, I mean, infinite thermites from that bundle, and you can have infinite thermites okay now. This also works for the throwing knife from the. Deliverance bundle, and the Deliverance throwing knife, and this also works for the frag grenades, so you have the W from the Crash Bandicoot bundle, and you have this one here from one of the bundles we'll get in, and we'll have a look at this one and what bundle these ones from as well, but you can do this with a lot of them, and again, with the frag grenade, all you need to do is have the skin of the frag grenade equipped, then all you got to do is hold in your frag grenade, swap it out for another, lethal on the ground, then pick up your frag grenade again, and you can stomp it infinitely, and throw infinite ones.

This is absolutely game-breaking. Now let's get in, and they're going to have to somehow disable these hot fixes. This is going to break the game for a while now, I can guarantee. The game is now pay-to-win 100%, so you get this bundle here. This is really expensive. It's 3, 000 Cod points for this bundle.

buy bundles not in store

You buy this bundle, and you will have infinite. Thermites and infinite shock sticks Yes, you can buy infinite thit and infinite shock skits; it's going to cost you 3, 000 Cod points. Now the other bundle that you can do this with, I think, is that we'll get down and have a look. We have the Crash Bandicoot bundle right here.

I'm not sure of the price of this bundle, but you'll be able to get the wper, which is a skin for the Fraggrenade that you will be able to use. There are multiple ways you can find the bundles if they are in rotation. The easiest way to generally find the bundles is to go to your stickers and stuff like that from your weapons so you can go through to your weapons and come into your weapons to customize.

And go through the stickers section, and you'll go through these ones here and find the ones, and you'll be able to generally be able to find a The bundle that you're looking for that has those is one of the items in it, and this sits under your stickers section, and you'll be able to find them easily now.

buy removed bundles

If it's a bundle that's not in the sticker section and your friend has it, to do this, you're going to need two controllers, and you're going to need both profiles logged into the console. Now log into the game with the console that owns the Prof's bundle that you're trying to get as player one, then go through to the store bundles to the store and then pull the trigger to view their previous bundles.

After you've done that, come back out to the screen here at the HQ and log in with the player two that you're trying to buy the bundle on; they need to already have their cont points already, so they're already ready to go. Once you log in, you'll be able to come through with their controller. So no longer with your controller that owns the bundle, you're going to grab the controller of player 2 that just logged in, go over to the store, and pull the trigger to bring up the bundles.


This will now see the bundles from the other player and let this crash. Bandicoot bundle I can now go along and I could buy this bundle on the other on the other profile so my friend could now come along in my game too and also have infinite frag grenades with me so you could use this glitch to be able to give your if your friends don't have access to these items, and you do, you can go along and you can share your bundle with your friend, and you can get your friend in there doing this glitch with you and having these unlimited items with that said guys I hope this helps you out.

Man, Out,

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