News - Dmz Mw2: How To Get M13b Instantly. Easy. Warzone 2


He's going to show you guys both ways to do it—the hard way and the cheesed way. The chemist is right here; he's on me. I mean, I mean, yep, that's it, that's it, yep, that's it, let's go x-fill drop that sound very cool, got it, let's go, let's get out of here. What's popping what's happening i hope you guys are having a great day.

I've got a banging article for you, but be sure to subscribe. We're going to jump right into it. We're talking about Modern Warfare 2's brand new M13, which is unlockable via blueprint inside the DMZ. I'm not sure exactly why a lot of COD players are saying the DMZ sucks because I don't think it does, although it can be frustrating, and the reason why I say that this is like the Division is because in that game you have, like I said, the co-op missions, the PVE area, where you can team up with randoms or your own party to beat the game and fight AI, unlock guns, and level up fantastically.

dmz gameplay

If you haven't played it, you can't believe how good that game was and how good the graphics are on PC for a game that's eight years old or more at this point. But it's a great game, and inside that map, you've got an area called the "dark zone." You go in there, and there are no rules; players can either help you or they can kill you and loot your stuff; if they kill you and loot your stuff, then they can be marked as a target or a bounty, and other players will hunt them down and kill them for you.

It depends on which side of the fence you're on. The DMZ is just like that. You're there, fighting AI bots, collecting Intel, and completing missions; same thing; bring your party and friends matchmaking; same exact thing; however, you've got the players on the map, sort of like the dark zone in the division, where they can come take your stuff, hinder your progress, just wait for you to x-fill and take all your stuff and kill you anyway, or they might help you out and team up due to the new proximity chat they can now chat with you.

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I've run into people who were fighting me and said that if I joined their team, they wouldn't kill me. This is for another article, as this is more aimed at the gun, but the DMZ zone is pretty good. You're going to be really wanting to chase down one specific mission, and that is the chemist mission to unlock the blueprint for the Haphazard, M13.

dmz m13 unlock

It's kind of a tricky mission. A lot of people are going to be right here watching this article on how to "cheese it," "glitch it," or "make it easy." The reason I say that is that once you jump into the map, you only have about 30 seconds to a minute to really get to the hazardous contamination zone.

If you don't, someone else is already going to beat you there. You've got to see where you are on the map and how far away this is. If you're a thousand or more meters away, you're probably not going to make it. If you're a thousand or less, you've got a good shot, but you've got to get there quick.

dmz m13b

You get to the spot on the map, and I'm showing you a picture right there of what it looks like and what it looks like to Ping on the map. In order to get there, I highly recommend getting a vehicle, as when you arrive there, you're going to want to park it right outside the Ring of Fire. It's like a grayish-colored gas, not like in a war zone, where it's like yellowish green; this is more like a blue-tinted gray kind of gas.

When you get there, you're going to park at the edge of the gas, and be prepared that as soon as you enter, you've got to try to find a bot to kill and take his mask. Masks last for probably two minutes or more, and every AI bot drops a new mask that's basically going to allow you to swap it out, so you're never going to have to worry about dying if you don't have a mask on.

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You can still survive for quite some time, probably in the neighborhood of three to four minutes, but it's going to be pulsing and flashing, and you're going to see a little bit of blood on the screen, and that's going to interfere with your ability to see and kill the chemist and the AI, so definitely wear a mask.

dmz mw2

If you and your buddies have to revive him, he'll run around and hide the AI on the chemist; otherwise, other players could show up and kill him, which has happened to me before. You're sitting there fighting all the AI, and you turn around and there's no chemist; they've already left with the gun; that's happened multiple times, so you want to make sure to get there and kill bots.

Get a mask quickly, isolate the chemist, and kill him. or you could spend upwards of four to six hours or more trying to do this with teammates who are jumping in with you and who have a different agenda altogether. Now there is a cheese for you guys; you don't want to do it the hard way, however.

There is one caveat to this, and that is that somebody you know must have the blueprint or have unlocked the M13. If someone already has the blueprint, they can put it in their contraband. Go into the game, drop the gun on the ground, pick it up, and go right to the x-fill. That is it. Let me show you how to equip the M13 or any of your contraband.

dmz mw2 gameplay

So what you're going to want to do is go to weapons, and then after you do that, you're going to have to go down here to swap weapons. If you have a large backpack, the guy who has the M13 in your party or any of your friends can add it to a large backpack, or they can go to swap right here and you click under insured, slot one, and you can see I put the M13b.

There's the M Already equipped it with the m13b, but not only that, you can also change the different guns, obviously, but for this specifically, obviously, we're looking at the 13. You guys can see I have the M13 in my insured slot, so no matter what happens. I'll always have the M13, and when I land in the DMZ.

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I'm going to show you guys both the hard way, when we kill the pharmacist and X-fill, and the easier way, where a friend drops the gun and we X immediately. It only takes two to three minutes. I'm going to show you guys both ways to do it: the hard way and the cheesed way. We'll catch you on the next upload or live stream.

dmz mw2 m13

We'll catch you on the next one. Peace and love to you. Let's go, that gun's lit. I don't know if you know how good it is, but it's really good. Yeah, it's right beside it. We're only 500 meters away. We can do this. We're good yeah, don't waste too much time fighting these guys. Just try to kill one and get past it because we're on foot at the airport, and that's bad.

Okay, so, honestly, I think that the chemist will be there when we get there. He'll be there, but another team is going to be there now because it's taking us a little bit, like a little hot second. Okay, here it is: our escape car. That's our escape car. First, AI, you killed him. Get his gas mask.

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