News - New" Mw2 Dmz Solo Xp Glitch. 10k Xp 1 Sec Dmz Infinite Weapon Case Xp Glitch. Warzone 2 Mw2 Rank


Hey my beautiful bastards today I have for you something really spicy absolutely new XP farming glitch in DMZ game mode which can be done in Solo or in team doesn't matter article on our hands infinite weapon cakes and each of these bad boys will give you 10K XP with, no boost but this weekend we have double XP.

Buffs throw your tokens into this and that's game over forget about boss Juggernaut. Which extraction slash X-File point they are using wait for them to leave Yes you heard me right simply you wait for them to leave don't worry weapon, case is still in the freaking air you heard me right so once. They left the game simply call extraction at the same location and.

Go at the tail it's quick it happens really quickly if you will be in the front you will not collect the case and now once you are at the tail simply look at Pilot's. So goddamn stupid 10K XP basically for doing nothing like I said you can mind your own business complete challenges and boom if team is extracting.


That weapon case grow at the same location take the chopper go a tail look at the Pilot's cabin and wait for the delicious 10K. XP but like I said you can use tokens to increase the amount of XP you can get out of this weekend is perfect for this glitch I mean this is absolutely stupid man you, can do this in Solo in team play it doesn't matter I'm just wondering when it will be patched but I tried this glitch for many directions.

Aspects, sites you name it first of all if your team will extract the weapon case unfortunately, , it's not there somebody or someone is said to me that you can find it with the chopper but that's not the case I tried my best I tried to use Chopper helicopter and I couldn't find the case in the air so only way how I could do this is by extracting myself but, yeah and like I said if your team is extracting most likely you will not get that weapon case glitch so you have to extract with your team and.

WEAPON LEVELING UP EXPLOIT! INFINITE DMZ WEAPON CASE XP GLITCH! Guys do this right now - insta level up your guns and ranks! Most broken XP FARMING METHOD.
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