News - Devinity Banned For Cheating Call Of Duty Warzone 2

badboy beaman

We have an update on Divinity. This is the guy who accidentally exposed his wall hack while playing Modern Warfare 3. This is somebody who as well has earned over $70,000, whether that be through wages or tournaments as a competitive player, and he claimed himself to be a battle royale pro, and rightfully so due to the fact that he had actually won four L events across multiple different FPS games.

So for those of you who haven't seen him show his wall hacks, here's a clip. Let's go 78-78. My God, can I show titties? my, And after that, he actually went ahead and bragged about this, saying that he wasn't too bothered that he still had a lot of money and started flashing cash on stream. Here's the clip of that as well, so yeah, and for everyone saying hack for a dollar broke, Look.

Personally, it doesn't phase me now. I had many ways to come back to this, and this is the route I chose now. The reason we're talking about Divinity again today is because he's actually being banned from Twitch. This was the platform where he live streamed to his. I don't know, tens or hundreds of viewers, but now because of that ban, he's actually been able to go over to a different platform, and he's live streaming on {423}, so apparently Kick allowed cheaters to be on their platform, which is proof of him live streaming on Kick.

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No, I was there. Yeah, get, kid, yep, over the super creatine, they won millions, what the [__]. Negativity It was all positivity till I joined, so I think it's yeah. I'm going to need that I'm going to need I'm going to need some of that money. Wait, what happened? Look at that little ass. Let's go here.

We go here. We go here. We got no win. I just hit my head on a goddamn heartbeat. These beat you up here. Yeah, you're slow. The fact that you're running a grip line and grappling is actually insane. Whatever BR guy is on me on the right, one's a shield. So that was a moment of him live streaming over on Kick after being banned on Twitch.

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He's actually playing a different game completely, so I wonder why he's not playing Call of Duty. I wonder if maybe it's because his account has been banned. Who knows hopefully, Activision has acted on this and actually banned his account, just like Twitch has banned him from streaming on their platform.

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Although it's only a temporary ban on Twitch, it's actually great to see them acting against cheaters in Call of Duty. The issue I've got here with the clip we've just seen of divinity playing the finals is that he called out an enemy on his right. Did he see them? Who knows, but one thing's for sure: there are already cheats readily available for the finals, so maybe he's just decided to go and download cheats for the finals and act like he's great on that game as well as, as they say, a cheater.

Always a cheater, hopefully he gets completely shunned out of the Call of Duty community, and hopefully people start to realize in the finals community that he's a diry little cheater as well. If you did enjoy today's news, guys, smash that thumbs up. So you don't miss tomorrow's news, Triple B over and out.

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