News - Call Of Duty Warzone 2. Turbulence. Campaign Mission 4
On board the plane of President BVI and his daughter Elena, the Russian president is flying to Hambur to negotiate a peace treaty with NATO delegates. Truthfully, it's just a matter of perspective, but many Russians still blame America for the massacre at the airport. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the LIE of good and evil.
War isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale, but for now, it looks like the world may finally know peace. The only truth I've found is that the world we live in is a giant Tinder Box. All it takes is someone to light the match. Let go this is the command point on the road to Hurg.
Skies are clear, all teams report to Team One, the president's office is secure. Team Two's lower deck is clear. Team Three's forward cabin is secure, we land in Hamburg in 2 hours, and Team One remains with the president until Touchdown. Vasil is waiting for you, father; he's expecting an answer from me.
Team one is moving, and we are currently I don't like him; no one does. That's why he's good at his job. What will you tell him about the truth? He won't hear it; he has no choice. President, gentlemen, we have only two choices: peace or war, life or death, for the sake of our children. We must seek peace with the West.
Mr president, now is not the time to appease our enemies. We destroy our enemies when we make friends with them. If we cannot end our differences, at least that's gunfire hijackers attacking the plane. The G is the president; get down; team three starts reporting back up; fire is on fire; the commander is everyone down; protect the president.
Location of the following H position 2: km, how did they reach our security? It had to be someone on the inside; they knew to hit the room first to secure the daughter and move her to safety. Off with me, we got to find the president, and all the teams secured the sectors. Evac is on the way. The president was stable about moving to your location.
Now secure the location right side R, Way. The area here is Team Four. We're taking heavy fire, and multiple enemy vehicles are inbound. We have to move. The president is not secure. We need to back up immediately. Team Two gets Theena out of here. All the agents hold on to the president's official enemy positions.
You know who I am, yes, and then you know what I want. You're insane russia will take all of Europe, even if it must stand on a pile of ashes. I want the launch codes, Mr. President, but you never get them. Every man has a weakness. Find the girl teams that are secured; repeat