News - Ai Bots Nerfed, Riot Shield Nerf, Custom Blueprints, More. Warzone 2 Reloaded Update Patch Notes

bots nerfed

Welcome back to another article. Now, they've released a blog post, and the blog post goes on for pages and pages, and I'm sure there are better things to do than to go through all those pages just to figure out what changed. The first thing that we have are the UI changes, so the first one being XP, or tokens, now showing in game in the menu, so when you click on the menu, especially if you're like, ready to leave a game, it now appears at the very bottom, and you can now activate them while they're in game, and they also show you how much time is left while you are in that menu, so now you're not really playing blind because you don't know how much time is left and all that stuff.

That's good right there. The next thing that we have in the UI is the new groups feature. This has gone live, and you can now create groups with your friends and play with them in them. It could be public or it could be private, and you can talk with them you can talk with them things like that.

and tunes, so now you're going to have the ability to save your weapons as presets, sort of turning them into blueprints to be able to use them later. So I found that was very aggravating, where you would sit there and tune a weapon, put the perfect attachments on it, have the perfect last, and then go back and accidentally change something on it, and it ruined the whole thing.

cod mw2

Well, that way you'll be able to save the preset, and you'll be able to save it so that way you can come back and put it on another time, sort of like how the blueprints work, so that's a new feature right there that's added now to mix in some bad news with the update, apparently. All class setups were reset, so if you have the perfect attachments and things like that on your gun when you jump into a game, all of those attachments are removed for the gun, and you're basically playing without any attachments on it now.

I'm not sure how you can get your attachments back. I tried to mess around with it, try to change the camo, things like that, and I was not really able to figure out how to solve it, so I had to remake the entire class and retune it again. So try to figure that out because I wasn't able to. I figured it out way too late; by the time I jumped into the game, it was already over with, so I wasn't able to really reset anything.

The first one is the war zone cup, which is basically Rocket League, and the second is shipment 24-7. Then the third thing that we have is going to be Adam Grad Episode One, which will be unlocked when you do one of the challenges that I mentioned before, and then the last playlist is the veteran version of this one.

cod mw2 reloaded update

So these are all the new playlists that we have. The next thing that we have right here are the nurses, so let's talk about this. We got a huge nerf to shotguns in Warzone, so if you play Warzone shotguns, no longer can people with armor plates one-shot, so if you have any sort of plates on the shotgun, it will not one-shot anymore; they thought it was too overpowered, and they have nerfed it.

The next nerf that we have is for all modes, and this has to do with the riot shield, so it ended up getting the worst nerf of all the weapons in this update. So the ride should reduce the movement speed; that's the first thing to reduce melee damage, so now you have to hit three times in order to be able to get a kill with it.

dmz bots nerfed

So those are the two biggest nerfs that we have for the weapons. so in strongholds, and black size First, they increased the number of active strongholds to five from three, and now that AI combines the damage per bullet, it is reduced by 26. The number of units per site is reduced by 50. The reductions based on squad sizes depending on how big your squad is and then the AI combatant, reinforcements, Is there double time between waves?

The number of units per wave is reduced by 30. Then for the black-sized AI combatants, they now have additional armor rewards and an upgraded version of the stronghold UAV, which will sweep twice as far and about 30 percent faster, so these AIS with aimbots are now nerfed, so hopefully this news will give you more confidence the next time you head into a stronghold.

Another thing that we have, and this is some bad news, is DMZ Building 21. Apparently, it's not even live, and apparently another thing about it is that it's not even going to be on the DMZ map. So that's one thing, but the more unfortunate news is that combat records were not added with this update.

full patch notes

They actually announced yesterday that they will not be able to add them within the Season 1 Reloaded update. I have no idea why everyone was disappointed; it made no sense. Apparently, it's not going to be in the game; it's currently not in the game as of right now. We don't even know if they've already reset the stats or not, so we're not sure if any wins you get today up until whenever they do add them will count or not.

Another thing that we also have is free access, which is going to be available tomorrow, so starting on December 15th at 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time and going until December 19th, which is Monday morning, you're going to have free access if you do not own multiplayer. I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to unlock the honey badger if they do allow all the weapons; they didn't mention if all the weapons are going to be available or not, but I'm pretty sure they are if they are, and you'll be able to get the honey badge.

modern warfare 2

The other nerf that I forgot to mention but that we already talked about in past articles is the CDL skin, so that ended up getting nerfed. Here's what they look like now that they've added a bunch of highlights to them. I think it looks cooler in my personal opinion, but apparently, if you go into a shipment now, are you a big Target fan?

I do plan on making a bunch of articles. But check out my last article, where I showed you guys the fastest way to unlock the honey badger. But it's been your boy tradition, and hopefully I'll be seeing you guys here on the channel

AI Bots NERFED, Riot Shield NERF, Custom Blueprints, MORE! MW2 Reloaded Update Patch Notes season 1 reloaded update with full patch notes and details, ai bots nerfed, riot shield nerfed, custom blueprints, ui update, ai bots nerfed.
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