News - 180. Kills On Shipment. With #1 Buffed Minibak Class Warzone 2 (warzone 2)


In today's article, we're going to be going over the number one mini-back class set up here in Modern Warfare 2. In today's gameplay for y'all, man, I managed to drop 180+ kills using this crazy mini bag class setup. We just blew past 100, man. We just hit the 100 mark, and we're already at 118. It costs zero dollars, but anyway, I hope you all enjoyed today's gameplay.

I managed to freak out, as I said before. I dropped 180+ kills using this crazy easy mini-back class on these sweats too. I didn't manage the nuke one because they were trying. I did die a decent number of times, probably like 20 times or something like that. You'll see at the end of the game I can't remember off the top of my head, but yeah, these were some slice boys; they were killing me off my streaks and stuff, like that.

I almost got the nuke. I think I went on like a 20 like 7 or 28 or something. This game died just a few off the nuke, but I did manage to get 180+ kills, but other than that, I hope you all enjoy it, and I'll catch on to the next one, peace

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