News - 13 Huge Tips To Instantly Get Better Warzone 2

Time you land, giving you an edge over other people landing near you at the start of a match, my next big tip that I can give you for Warzone 2 is for you to remember that parkour is king with the new mantling mechanics because it opens up so many flank opportunities for you when you're pushing an enemy position.

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It's a big part of War Zone 2, especially. With slide canceling and advanced movement really being removed from the game, so parkour My next tip for you in Warzone 2 is to make sure that you turn on auto-tax. Sprinting off with a slight canceling gone and having control of when and when not to tactical sprint is a huge advantage.

The best tactic is to use a tactical sprint only when you're either covering open ground or trying to disengage from a fight. The time it takes for you to go from tactical sprinting to firing your gun will cost you a gunfight and slow your gameplay down just that little bit. A big tip for you when we start playing War Zone 2 is to make sure you take advantage of new features like interrogation, where you can find out the positions of the rest of a downed player's squad. So if you knock someone out early in a fight and pull off the interrogation, which is a bit like an execution, you'll see exactly where his teammates are, which will make your squad easily be able to win the fight.

Full damage

Full damage

Another big tip for Warzone 2 that you need to be aware of is how they've changed the full damage mechanic in the game.

Back in Warzone 1, you would either fall and take no damage or fool and die; there was no in between. In Warzone 2, you'll lose health depending on the height that you've fallen, so pushing into a fight from a height will cause you to lose health. It won't damage your plates, but it could still be enough to sway a gunfight in the other guy's favor.

It will also teach you what hikes you can comfortably fall into in War Zone 2. My next big tip for you in Warzone 2 is to make sure that you master a drop location that you decide with your squad is where you want to land, and then go there almost every game when you first start playing Warzone 2.

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Honestly, it sounds silly, but learning a part of the map this way will help give you a long-term edge, as you'll get to know the location like the back of your hand, and maybe after about 10 games of dropping in the same location, switch it up and go somewhere else. You'll be surprised by how much quicker you learn the map compared to everyone else and how to loot up in the quickest possible time.

That's 13 tips to get better at War Zone 2 right away. Subscribe if you're

Here are my top 13 tips to instantly get better at Warzone 2! There are some instant wins and easy things to do to make sure you can get that first dub.
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