News - Warzone: The Absolute Sniper & Support Meta (season 1 Reloaded Sniper Tutorial)


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and NES, welcome back to the war zone, and today I wanted to talk about not only sniper builds but sniper loadouts as a whole and what you should be running as an entire kit when dropping in to the DZ or the WZ. I guess in this case, at any rate, you should be taking part in Battle Royale in solos or as a group, so as we go through this, just keep that in mind: at times I'll be talking as a solo, and at other times I'll be talking as a group before we get into this.

I would love you for so long, I promise, and with that, let's get into it with our very first gun, and that is the cat. And with the AMR, we're actually going to use the nightfall suppressor because this gives us the absolute. Maximum boost to bullet velocity that we can get, but then going to add the Zang 34 barrel for the same reason the Spire Point rounds that everyone's been using since this game came out because again bullet velocity one shot sniper.

I still go old school with the old laser because lasers don't matter and people don't pay attention to them, and this gives you not only stability but also aim-down sight and sprint-to-fire, making you faster. With Modern Warfare 3, they added this magnificent scope in the Hinor hybrid, which is that it's just a four-to-eight-time hybrid; it's multi-zoom, and it's wonderful.


You'll see it on a lot of these builds. If you have an optic that you like, you should obviously use it, but the Hinor is my go-to for most builds. It is just phenomenal, and it has the ad penalties of four times with eight times zoo. With that said. I'm also going to be giving you the sniper support classes for the guns that I think are the best sniper support guns in the game, and with that.

I like to pair the cat AMR with the brand new HRM 99, which, though it is a submachine gun, does have that mid-range that a sniper support gun needs. Though it will not reach out past maybe 40 m, it does get the job done on almost all occasions. For this build, we're going to use the TAC to turn a 7 suppressed integrated barrel, the hatchet light stock, the PCS 90 assault rear grip, and the DR6.

season 1

Hand stop and finish off that bigger magazine, the Max magazine size 50. This thing is an absolute demon. I'm so happy that this gun is in the game; it absolutely fries, and the iron sights are incredible. Next on our list of snipers, I've got my personal favorite, and that is the newest sniper to be added to the game in the XRK stalker, as this thing really feels like the Kar98 did back on Verdansk.

Just without the bullet velocity, the one-shot snipes are incredible, and you will absolutely fry. Anyone with quick scopes for this build, we're going to use the Stoic 4 suppressed barrel, the ol AV laser once again going to use the Eural M stock, the 50 cal explosive ammunition, and the XRK stalker factory rear grip.

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Just get those ads up a little bit further and make this thing fly and fry, so just in case I wasn't clear enough, if you're an extremely aggressive sniper This is the building for you. The stalker is absolutely the most aggressive one-shot sniper in the game, bar none. You will fry anyone, and they will literally go.

season 1 reloaded

What was that? This guy's hacking with every engagement. I did want to stop before we go on really quick and say that we do have a Discord, and I put these builds out early in the Discord all of the time, and I will be uploading articles much more frequently. Now let's get back into it, and I like to pair this gun with the UMP 45, or striker, as it's known in this game, as it is the most forgiving submachine gun in the game, so if you're going to be heavily aggressively sniping, you're going to need a gun that is going to give you the ability to recover from that.

The striker absolutely gets this done, and for this build, we're going to use the shadow strike suppressor again. The DR6 hand stops the 48-round mag. You can use the 60 if you would like, but the 48 is just fine for me. Even in quads, the sack and ZX rear grip for a little bit of recoil control, and then finish off with the lockman MK2, light stock to up that movement speed, and just get into the action a little faster.


Of course. I'll be going over perks and your lethal, etc., all of that stuff later in the article, but also as a part of a marksman class, you can obviously use dmrs in this and one of the Modern Warfare 2 weapons that is still absolutely incredible. Absolutely no one's using the EBR. The EBR is just as good as the Interceptor; before its Nerf, the only reason it's so good was that no one was using it, so take advantage of that.

For the EBR, we're going to start with the Sonic suppressor, which adds the Chuke-angled grip of the 762 x 51 High Velocity ammunition and the 20-round magazine, and then finish off once again with that hin RoR Hybrid Scope, so we get the ads and penalty for four times, but we get the zoom of up to eight times for an absolutely wonderful weapon that will slap just like the Interceptor did pre-f.

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This thing is absolutely incredible. Give it a whirl. You don't know what you're missing. I promise, and then I actually pair this gun with a battle rifle that has the ability to kill up close as fast as all of the submachine guns and is able to kill the high ttk, all the way out to around 45 M, and that is the MTZ.


762 the aftermarket part: this thing is amazing, and I don't know why no one's using it. It only has a 40-round mag, so that is its downside. However, for this build, we're going to use the shadow strike suppressor, the DR6 hand stop, the 40-round magazine, the Jack erodic carbine kit, which you do need to put on first, and then the MTZ, light strike telescopic stop, to make an absolutely wonderful weapon.

I am not kidding when I say this thing deletes absolutely everyone. If you haven't tried it yet, give it a whirl; you will not regret it. Since we spoke of the interceptor while we were talking about the EBR, next up we've got the MTZ interceptor, which is still a very viable option. It's still absolutely smacks; they've nerfed it like five times, and it is in a very good spot.

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It's not overpowered, but it still does what it's supposed to. For this build, we're going to use the Nilow 90 suppressor, the long shot Pro Barrel we're going to use the high grain ammunition, the 20-round magazine, and I'm going to use the AOK, four times rqs. Recon optic: this optic has absolutely no glints, and you will be able to slap snipers without them even knowing that you have a beat on them.


Most people don't even know this optic exists, so give it a try and watch people be very confused about why you do not have a glint. I don't know why no one seems to be able to read, but this optic is amazing, and it is such a troll. Give it a shot, enjoy it, have fun with it, and once again, compare any of these guns with each other.

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