News - Warzone Needs To Turn Off Crossplay

And while some of them might do it here and there, the idea of sending manual screenshots to an anti-cheap provider makes absolutely no sense because unless you're using machine learning to analyze the data in front of you and identify when somebody's using a war hack or an Aimbot visually or find an overlay that they shouldn't have on their screen, then it implies that this anti-cheap is being manually reviewed regularly by human people who are manually reviewing the screenshots, which is insane because that's just not how an anti-cheap is meant to work.

Now I can't confirm whether or not that information is legitimate or not, nor am I entirely invested in trying to find out if it's the case for fear of doing anything stupid, compromising myself, or associating myself with people who are Scumbagged. The behaviors of Ricochet Anti prove to me that this antivirus is not capable of detecting things automatically.

It's entirely the case that Ricochet is entirely reliant on manual systems and Shadow Band systems, which make it wholly ineffective, and I'll give you some examples. I've had players as high as level 3 or 400 kill me in War Zone who I think are cheating. I've reported them, and then they get kicked from the game, which probably means that they were eventually detected or something was found, but the fact that they've even gotten to that level in the first place shows me that the automation was not working as intended.

Ricochet itself, on a client-side basis on that person's computer, did not detect anything wrong. There are players as high as Platinum Diamond and the top 250 in ranked games who have been able to cheat meticulously and use cheats that have been very obvious. It was a guy using an automatic grenade launcher in a article the other day, and I'm fairly confident the only reason that man was caught was because article footage was posted online.

The fact that somebody can use an automatic grenade launcher and get into the top 250 of ranked without so much as a single detection from Ricochet is utterly insane, because that literally means hours upon hours of gameplay where he was using something that statistically isn't possible in war zone and obviously using some kind of cheat, that just wasn't detected by the client side antiche, but there are loads more examples of this I've been killed by people who obviously have unlocked tools and have access to skins and Equipment they shouldn't have and the game hasn't automatically detected that even though it's costing Call of Duty's bottom line and actually costing them money but the craziest thing to me and this is the one that I think worries me the most is the number of times I I've reported a player who ends up being kicked from the game and I don't know if they've been Shadow banned or permanently banned, sometimes you can tell because their account kind of becomes inaccessible you can't whisper them you can't add them as friends so on and so forth but other times it's a bit more elusive.

But what worries me about that is that a lot of these guys have been fairly high-level. Not it automatically detecting that something shouldn't have been the case in an Ideal World with an ideal anti-che the second somebody starts shooting at me that anti-che should kick in anyway it should automatically kick that person from the game it should make me invulnerable or invisible, like some of the detections and circumventions that they have shown that Ricochet is capable of the fact that the anti-che has been so heavily reliant on a reporting system and also a shadow Banning system which some cheaters who have interacted with other content creators have claimed doesn't actually lead to them being permanently banned, is insane to me I have reached a point generally where I running into players who are regularly better than some of the best in the world players who I have played against online, who I know are phenomenal Gamers who are just good at what they do and can do it on any given system on any given day.

To me, this shows that there is no automation in Ricochet, no statistical analysis in Ricochet that stops these things from occurring, and no system in place that sees something that looks statistically anomalous and then decides to probe it or decides to deal with it, and that is inherently clear to me.

I mean, the easiest example I think I can possibly give you people is the fact that since war zone 2, we have had cheaters get into helicopters and boats and fly them into the sky, and this cheat has come up time and time again, and we have had entire teams do nuke runs, get nuke contracts, detonate nukes, and even dos servers by flying into the Sky Box assuming that they'll win the game, and to this day, by the looks of things.

Also read:

Ricochet is still not capable of going if the boat goes too high or if the helicopter goes too fast. Those are obvious, easy things that this antivirus can do that would very clearly solve a lot of trouble for people who are hacking into nuk runs. I'm not going to claim that Antiche is easy; I'm not going to claim that this system is easy to do; and I'm not going to claim that the developers have a hunky-dory easy time making all of this work.

That's not the case, but to me, it's very clear that War Zone's Ricochet absolutely needs to turn into a valerant level antich and always on anti and invasive anti in order to tackle the problem that PC players are producing, and while PC is a large platform for War Zone. I think it's time for crossplay to be entirely disabled.

Because the number of times I have played with a keyboard and mouse player where the number of cheaters exponentially increases when playing with a squad, is insane if you play controller only or only with console mates chances are you'll probably avoid some of these problems and you'll notice it less but if you play with a keyboard and mouse player you will notice High numbers of suspicious players and high numbers of people who are obviously deliberately cheating and quite frankly don't care if they're caught, and that to me is the fundamental problem, it's time for anti-che to either level up or it's time for crossplay to finish it's time for crossplay to be Xbox to Playstation only exclude PC until this problem is dealt with and I am saying this as a PC player who loves playing on PC who loves having high frame rates who loves having graphical options who likes having flexibility.

Reducing input lag and doing all of these things that make PC an enjoyable first-person shooter experience. I am saying this as somebody who streams 6 to 8 hours a day and sees these problems on a daily basis. The number of console players who are just being needlessly caught in this crossfire of having the game experience diminished for them must surely not be worth having PC crossplayer enabled.

Now look, I don't think they're ever going to disable crossplay, and I don't think they're going to do it because they need to support the PC. I think it also obscures the extent of the problem that Call of Duty is experiencing. 0.00001% is a very rare thing to encounter; it is not something that is common and is not something you'll experience at all, and we now know that PlayStation has effectively disabled access for things like cronis and zims and things that were intended to be manipulative.

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