News - Warzone 2. 0: The Top 5 Most Dominant Loadouts To Use At Long Range (warzone 2 Best Weapons)

I would say for long range. For this, I'd end up running the 20- and 21-inch ex-Rhino barrels that offer good recoil control and bullet velocity in the demo field. The Pro Barrel ends up offering damage range and bullet velocity, but it's definitely nice to have that additional recoil and control as opposed to that and damage range.


You're still going to be solid without that damage range addition, but one thing that I'd recommend is that Talon 16 suppressor, which does sacrifice a bit in that range as opposed to say the f-tac reaper, which would offer up damage range, but the Talon offers that recoil control, and again with the rail having so much kick if you hold this down, if you hold the trigger down out of space, it's going to kick quite a bit, but if you can control that in any way possible.

I'd say take it. Then I'd run the high velocity magazine, the step 40 grip, which offers up recoil control, and then again that SD sro7. Optic to control that visual recoil for tuning, I'd go with the optic again in the far position. Max that out, and then for the Flint resistance, make about a 1.65-ounce adjustment to that weight for the barrel.

modern warfare 2

I'd end up adjusting the recoil steadiness by adding 0.41 pounds to the weight, and then for the damage range to include that, adding about an 8.31-inch increase to that length, the Talon 16 suppressor. I'd end up adding about a 0.95-ounce increase to the weight and about a 0.44-inch increase to the length again to maximize the potential of getting a little bit more out of that while also not sacrificing too much in the other attributes of the weapon, the high-velocity rounds.

I'd end up adding a 0.5 gram increase to the weights as well as a 6.12, gram increase to the load so you can end up again taking a bit more in that damage range and bullet velocity but not sacrificing too much in terms of that control and then finally for the step grip. I'd add about a 0.66 ounce increase to the weight; any further and you're going to see a steep drop off in terms of that handling but not really too much benefit in terms of that recoil but also for the aiming idle stability.

Final notes on the top 5 loadouts for long range in warzone 2

Final notes on the top 5 loadouts for long range in warzone 2

I tuned towards that by adding about 0.36 inches to the width of the grip overall, but that just about does it, and that is what I think are your top five weapons for range within Warzone 2 as of right now, and of course all things are subject to change. Part is that there still really isn't any clearly defined meta, so there very well could be other weapons that we could fit in this list, and just in the interest of time, we're not going to extend this to a top-10 list; that's something we'll be talking about here way too long and getting too nerdy with tuning and stuff like that, so I want to keep this fairly simple.

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Straightforward , here and give you guys the best five weapons. All things Modern Warfare 2. Take care and peace

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