News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Meta Loadouts After Season 2 Update. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts


In today's War Zone 2 article, we're taking a look at the top 5 best setups after the update. This includes all the patch notes, making sure we take all the buffs and nerfs into consideration when making these new meta setups. The first game we're taking a look at today is going to be the Lockman sub.

Here's my general overview of these attachments, and here for the Lochman sub. So the first thing on this could be the XRK Sandstorm, which can help with that vertical recoil; as you know, the lockman likes to move around, so we definitely have to stabilize it, and this can be hugely beneficial. We switched over from the F-Tat Castle to the XRK Sandstorm, and this actually works out very nicely.

After that, the tune on this is actually going to be a negative 0.31, a plus 0.25. We're not going to be using the barrel on this thing anymore. We're actually going to use a VLK laser of 7 mW for our next attachment, which increases ad speed, aiming stability, and, of course, firing speed. This is a fantastic attachment.


I've been running it so often on a variety of my different builds of ARS SMGs. This is just a top-tier attachment. Also, there's added tuning here for the lasers with the update, so we can actually tune the lasers now, which is pretty cool. So this is a negative 0.37 and a negative 19.74. So, that's actually kind of how this works.

For whatever reason, Dave decided to add tuning to lasers, so that's available now on all weapons. Let's move on down here to the magazine section and go for that 40-round mag gear. You guys can definitely run the 40-round magazine. I would not really recommend the 50-round drum because it's going to slow you down a little bit too much.

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This is a pretty agile build that you're going to be able to use in close quarters, and especially on a Chica Island, this is going to be like top tier. After that, we're going to move here to the rear grip section of the throw, the lockman, or tcg-10. For the increase in recoil control because we're not running a barrel here to help out with any of that recoil, we definitely gotta stabilize that out here with the lockman TCG or, for that matter, in underbarrel.

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So, this is going to be a pretty beneficial thing to be able to run the tune on this here, which is going to be a plus 0.65 and a negative 0.20, and then for our last attachment here, we actually have the LM stockless mod for ads speed and sprint to fire speed, and of course hip recoil control. Really great things here to make this a top-tier Close Quarters SMG, and because this is the stock list mod, we do not have the ability to tune it, so this is my full build here for the lockman, so for next, today we're taking a look at the TAC 56, so this is a gun that kind of got brushed to the side here now.

Masra, just because of the tag fee and the RPK. The Producers came out as like one of the top tier meta contenders out there, or just like the absolute meta, and this was a really solid gun with very little recoil, so this is actually going to be, you know, once again taking a top tier meta slot up here in Warzone, and of course Onoshika.

cod warzone 2 best loadout

Island, so let's hop into the setup four. I think it's actually cool that they also sped up the polyatomic and the Orion, so that's actually pretty nice that they finally look this way. They should have let you know upon release, but as a first attachment here, we're just going to get into this, the echolus 80.

This can give us that sound suppression, full velocity damage range, and recoil smoothness—all great things to be able to have on this kind of stabilized weapon. The tune on this is going to be a plus 1.08 and then a plus 45, so there's that. Now let's move up here to the barrel section—we got the 17.500-inch Pro barrel that's going to give us a pretty big increase to our damage range when hit by accuracy and bullet velocity.

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This is a pretty solid barrel to be able to run on this thing, and I really enjoy using it. It makes this gun a lot more effective in my opinion. The cheat on this is going to be a plus point 27, and a plus point 12, so give it a shot. Moving on down here, we got the unibrow section for the f-TAC River 56, aiming idle stability, accuracy, and recoil stabilization.

cod warzone 2 best loadouts

It's just such a great underwear I'll be able to run on, and I love this phase-three grip. You know, between those two, you really can't go wrong, no matter what gun you actually put them on. The cheat on this is going to be plus points 54 and 17. Now let's actually move on down here to the magazine.

Gotta Throw That 60-round magazine you guys have only 30 rounds in is just clearly not enough. 40 rounds, even in war zones, are really not going to be all that good, so I definitely say 60 rounds because this is your primary long-range AR and you'll want to be able to put those extra rounds be able to put down range.

Also, considering this thing has very little recoil, you're going to be able to actually hit those shots, so it's definitely worth it. You should be able to have 60 rounds in your magazine, and for our last attachment, we're going to go up here for the aim of the V4. This is just an amazing sight to be able to run on War Zone 2.

cod warzone 2 best loadouts after update

I mean, it's super clear, and you can really see just about whatever you need. I mean, it's not going to be too much of a magnification to the point where you can't use those that are closer to the mediumish range, so if you kind of get caught off guard, you know, cop pants down, so there's that. Also, the tone of this thing is going to be negative.

155, negative, 1.65. So that is how I have this thing tuned, so that's my full build there for attack 56; give it a shot. For our third gun here in this top five, we're going to be taking a look at the Sakin, the Mg 38. This is pretty much a gun that I don't think a lot of people are expecting to be able to become meta with, but between this and the lockman sub, this could be kind of like your Overkill meta setup because, you know, people obviously are moving away from the rpk since it got a pretty sizable Nerf; we will not be covering that gun here in today's top five, which is a good thing; I'm really not looking forward to talking about the rpk or seeing the fennec really you know as much anymore; but, the socket mg38 is going to be a number one lmg to use, so here's general overview, and here are all my attachments.

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So first thing, the ZLR Talon 5 sounds impressionistic, has a bull velocity damage range, and requests smoothness. You know, obviously, we've got to stabilize the gun out here and make it more effective at range. This is a super-lean, obviously, you know, medium- and long-range option. It's not going to be super mobile, much like attack 36, which would be more mobile than this, but this is going to be pretty much like your RPK equivalent.

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